Oral history interview with Norman Powell, 1971


Powell, Norman (Interviewee)
La Brie, Henry G (Interviewer)
Oral history interview with Norman Powell, 1971
Other Titles
Reminiscences of Norman Powell : oral history, 1971; Oral history of Norman Powell, 1971
In this 1971 interview, Norman Powell discusses his early work as a journalist and his later position as advertising manager for the Afro-American. Powell outlines how the content, advertising, availability, and political potential of black newspapers has changed. Powell then elaborates on the history and organization of Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. He ponders the impact of changing demographic pat terns in the United States on the circulation of newspapers and describes how the black press has changed since 1827. The interview concludes with Powell's assessment of how America would have been different without the black press and his explanation of why radical black publications do not contain advertising.
Collection Name
Black Journalists oral history collection
African American newspapers; Advertising--Newspapers; Journalists; Editors; Journalism--Political aspects; African Americans--Civil rights; African American press; African American journalists; Baltimore (Md.); United States Race relations; Powell, Norman
oral histories
Physical Description
sound files : digital preservation master, WAV files (96kHz, 24 bit); 39 pages
Note (Biographical)
Norman Powell was the president of Amalgamated Publishers Inc., a concern that solicited national advertising for many of the major black newspapers. He began his career in journalism as a sportswriter and, later, advertising manager for the Afro-Amer ican.
Interviewed by Henry G. La Brie III on June 24, 1971.
Note (Provenance)
Henry G. La Brie III Gift, 1975
Library Location
Columbia Center for Oral History, Columbia University
Browse Location’s Digital Content
Catalog Record
Also In
Oral History Archives at Columbia
Time-Based Media
Time-Based Media
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