Illuminati, Volume 3
- Name
- Cinema Educational Guild (Creator)
- Fagan, Myron C. (Myron Coureval), 1887-1972 (Author)
- Title
- Illuminati, Volume 3
- Abstract
- Myron Fagan came to prominence in the late 1940s and early 1950s as one of the leaders of the movement to expose supposed communist influence in Hollywood. Operating chiefly under the guise of the Cinema Educational Guild--an organization he founded to distribute anti-communist publications--Fagan sought to demonstrate that Hollywood was "as Red controlled as Moscow" and to counteract that influenc e. He was reportedly the major force behind the creation of Red Channels, a 1950 booklet that listed alleged communist sympathizers in the movie industry, many of whom film executives subsequently blacklisted. By the 1960s, Fagan had broadened his efforts to root out anti-American infiltration, and he picked up on the popular conservative theme of a plot to subvert US sovereignty by accession to a "one-world government." Like other commentators, Fagan pointed to the activities of the United Nations as evidence of this plot. (For other examples of this theme, see: "The Tower of Babble," "United Nations: The Modern Trojan Horse," and "The Strange Origin of the U.N. Flag," all below.) But in this 1967 record series, Illuminati: The Council on Foreign Relations, he spent most of the two-and-a-half hours covering six LP album sides decrying the eponymous think tank as the home base for US members of the "Illuminati," a cult which Fagan claimed had been working to forge a "satanic" world-wide government since the eighteenth century. The building pictured in Fagan’s symbolic rifle scope is the Council on Foreign Relations' New York headquarters, for which Fagan conveniently provided the address should any of his listeners wish to protest the institution. In keeping with Fagan’s long history of "naming names," the back cover featured a list of CFR members and alleged Illuminati, bringing together into one plot such unlikely co-conspirators as Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Alger Hiss, and Robert Oppenheimer. As one slogan printed on the back cover explained: "Play this for the unaware, uninformed and well meaning people who desire to hear the truth--Don’t waste your time on the hard core socialists who have already repudiated principle."
- Collection Name
- Group Research, Inc. Records
- Archival Context
- Series XV: Audio/Visual Material. Subseries XV.1: Phonograph Records. Box no. 507, Folder no. America United Illuminati C.F.R. Myron Fagan, (Vol.1-3), Cinema Educational Guild, 1967
- Subjects
- Council on Foreign Relations; 1967
- Format
- record covers
- Genre
- record covers
- Publication Information
- Cinema Educational Guild. 1967
- Date
- 1967
- Language
- English
- Library Location
- Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
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