Fass, Bob, 1933-2021 (Host,Former owner)
Kennedy, Florynce, 1916-2000 (Speaker)
WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.) (Broadcaster)
Radio Unnameable
Phone calls, Flo Kennedy on phone
1976: A caller reads his poems. Flo Kennedy calls. Bob plays an ad for "Spare Change Day," WBAI's April 10th penny campaign on the streets of New York, which seems to have already occurred. They are now planning a nickel and dime campaign. Kennedy reads a calendar of political events. A caller is astonished that no one has mentioned the federal prison authority's decision on writings. Nobody knows what he is talking about, including the caller. Bob and Flo become angered at his astonishment despite his own ignorance. They take other calls. One caller wants to set the record straight about his previous use of the word "they." They tell him that racial code words exist in society and he must be aware of them. Talk of hypocrisy of the FCC
Collection Name
Bob Fass papers, circa 1960-2011
Archival Context
Series I: Radio Unnameable, 1963-2011. Subseries I.2: Radio Unnameable, 1970-1977. Box no. Box 16
sound recordings
Radio call-in shows; Popular music radio programs
Publication Information
WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.): New York (N.Y.). 1976-04-14
1976 April 14
Physical Description
38 minutes
Note (Bf number)
Library Location
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
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