Noebel, David A. (Contributor)
The Marxist Minstrels
As director of the Christian Crusade (see "Christian Crusade litter bag," above, for more information), Billy James Hargis frequently repackaged material into several different media in order to spread his Christian anti-communist message as widely as possible. Such was the case with this LP from 1968, which consisted of David A. Noebel’s spoken ruminations on the theme of his 1966 book, Rhythm, Ri ots and Revolution. In the book and this record, Noebel (an associate minister with Christian Crusade, Inc.) asserted that pop artists as diverse as the Beatles and Woody Guthrie were part of a communist plot to corrupt American youth. (The fact that acts like the Beatles were not from the United States did not seem to phase Noebel as he criticized their "un-American" nature.) The front cover of this album plays with that notion by showing fuzzy, degraded musical notation in red, white, and blue.
Collection Name
Group Research, Inc. Records
Archival Context
Series XV: Audio/Visual Material. Subseries XV.1: Phonograph Records. Box no. 507, Folder no. David Noebel The Marxist Minstrels: The Communist Subversion of American Folk Music
record covers
record covers
Publication Information
Christian Crusade: Tulsa (Okla.). 1968
Note (Physical details)
Recording label listed as 'Christian Crusade Recordings'
Library Location
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
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Also In
Choosing sides
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