Oral history interview with J. William Flynt, 1991
Other Titles
Reminiscences of J. William Flynt : oral history, 1991; Oral history of J. William Flynt, 1991
Involvement in evaluation HIV/AIDS risk reduction program of National Hemophilia Program (NHP) and in facilitating improvements in that program; negative perceptions of hemophilia treatment centers regarding HIV prevention; founding of HANDI; involvement in planning 1990 meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, of hemophilia treatment center staff, Center for Disease Control personnel; Maternal Child Healt h Bureau (MCHB) personnel, and National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) personnel; disagreements between consumers and physicians at this meeting; weakness of medical model of hemophilia care in light of AIDS/HIV; definition of hemophilia community as inclusive of pharmaceutical providers; responsibilities of hemophilia community; tensions between and cooperation among various hemophilia organizations - NHF, CDC, MCH; changes in leadership in hemophilia community over time; isolation and denial regarding HIV/AIDS among members of hemophilia community; education versus support of people with hemophilia; variations of comprehensive care model within hemophilia care; similarities and differences of hemophilia comprehensive care programs and those of other chronic diseases; changing "psycho-dynamics" between people with hemophilia and providers over time and in light of AIDS/HIV; future of hemophilia care
Hemophilia--History.--United States; Hemophilia--Social aspects; Hemophilia--Political aspects; AIDS (Disease)--History.--United States; Public health; Physicians; Flynt, J. William; National Hemophilia Foundation