Li, Jianglin, 1956- (Interviewer)
Oral history interview with Gyalrong Tenzin, 2010
Oral history interview with Gyalrong Tenzin (Tib. Rgyal rong Bstan 'dzin, also Gyelrong Tenzin), born circa 1933 in Gyalrong Tsodun (Tib. Rgyal rong Mtsho bdun); discusses his years in Labrang (Tib. Bla brang), the first arrival of Chinese Communist cadres in 1949 and road construction in 1959. Also discusses agricultural life in Mtsho bdun, home to about 32 families. His father was the manager (Ti b. gnyer ba) for the chief or head (Tib. dpon po) of Mtsho bdun. In 1953, at the age of 20, Gyalrong Tenzin traveled from Chengdu to Dartsemdo, Ganzi, Chamdo (Tib. Chab mdo), and eventually Shanghai and Lhasa. The interviewee discusses attending there in June 1956 a secret meeting of about 40 people from various tribes, mostly from Kham (Tib. Khams), organized by Andrup Gongpo Tashi (Tib. Anrugtsang Gompo Tashi drug tshang Mgon po bkra shis) in his house in Lhasa.The meeting was a first step leading to the founding of the Tibetan guerilla army Chushi Gangdruk (Tib. Chu bzhi sgang drug). Gyalrong Tenzin also briefly discusses his life as a refugee in Dehradun, India.
Collection Name
Jianglin Li Interviews with Tibetan Exiles
History; Amdo (Tibetan people); Uprising of 1959 (Tibet Autonomous Region, China); Guerrillas; Refugees, Tibetan; Amdo (China : Region); Tibet Autonomous Region (China); India; Bstan-'dzin, Rgyal-rong; China. Zhongguo ren min jie fang jun; Mdo-khams Chu-bźi Sgaṅ-drug Bstan-sruṅ Daṅ-blaṅs-dmag (Organization)
video recordings; oral histories
October 23, 2010
Physical Description
2 video files (Part 1: 42 minutes; Part 2: 48 minutes)
Interviewed by Jianglin Li at Dhondrupling Tibetan Refugee Settlement, Dehradun , India on October 23, 2010.
Note (Language)
Interview conducted in Tibetan through an interpreter, with Chinese summary translations for the interviewer.
Note (Biographical)
Rgyal rong Bstan 'dzin was born in 1933 in Rgyal rong Mtsho bdun. Went to Labrang at the age of 16.
Note (Funding)
Digitized with funding by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute.
Library Location
C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University
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Also In
Tibetan Studies Special Collections at Columbia University
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