Kellum, David (Interviewee)
La Brie, Henry G (Interviewer)
Oral history interview with David Kellum 1971
Other Titles
Reminiscences of David Kellum : oral history, 1971; Oral history of David Kellum, 1971
In his 1971 interview with Henry La Brie III, Kellum discusses how he began to work at the Chicago Defender. Later, he describes the origins of the Bud Billiken Club, his collaboration with Lucius Harper, the first Bud Billiken Parade and the involvement of the blackface comics behind Amos 'n' Andy. Kellum also outlines the process of rewriting news stories from a "black angle" and his work after l eaving the Defender. Kellum discusses his role in bringing black and white children together for the Bud Billiken Parade during a period of racial segregation, as well as his efforts toward civil rights and humanitarian work as a journalist.
Collection Name
Black Journalists oral history collection
Journalism--Social aspects; Journalism--Political aspects; Journalists; African American press; African American journalists; African Americans--Civil rights; Chicago (Ill.); United States Race relations; Kellum, David; Chicago defender
oral histories
Physical Description
28 pages; sound files : digital preservation master, WAV files (96kHz, 24 bit)
Note (Biographical)
David Kellum was born in Greenville, Mississippi, in 1903. In 1923, Kellum graduated from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and joined the staff of the Chicago Defender newspaper. Kellum was one of the founders and early coord inators of the Defender Bud Billiken Club and Parade. He died in 1981.
Interviewed by Henry G. La Brie III on June 4, 1971.
Note (Provenance)
Henry G. La Brie III Gift, 1975
Library Location
Columbia Center for Oral History, Columbia University
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Catalog Record
Also In
Oral History Archives at Columbia
Time-Based Media
Time-Based Media
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