- Aaron, ha-Levi, of Barcelona, active 13th century-14th century1
- Aboab, Isaac de Mattathias, 1631-17071
- Alfasi, Isaac ben Jacob, 1013-11031
- Alfonso X, King of Castile and Leon, 1221-12841
- Andrinopoliti, ʻEzrah ben Eliyahu1
- Asher ben Jehiel, approximately 1250-13271
- Averroës, 1126-11982
- Avraham ben Meshulam Avigdor1
- Azulai, Hayyim Joseph David, 1724-18061
- Barzilai, Mosheh1
- Bonfils, Immanuel ben Jacob, active 14th century1
- Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 1746-18181
- Catalano, Abraham1
- David ben Judah, he-Ḥasid, approximately 1240-approximately 13201
- De Veris, Yehudah ben Mikhael1
- Eldaoudi, Makhlouf, Ḥakham bashi, 1825-19091
- Fano, Menahem Azariah da, 1548-16201
- Firkowitsch, Abraham, 1786-18742
- Forno, Tsiporah de1
- Friedländer, David, 1750-18341
- Gallico, Samuel, active 16th century-17th century1
- Ghirone, Leon1
- Gikatilla, Joseph ben Abraham, 1248-1
- Ha-Cohen, Eliyahu ben Menahem1
- Ha-Cohen, Ḥayyim Shabtai1
- Hanau, Solomon Zalman ben Judah Loeb, ha-Kohen, 1687-17461
- Harizi, Judah ben Solomon, active 12th century-13th century1
- Hirsch, Maurice de, baron, 1831-18961
- Ibn Gaon, Shem Tov ben Abraham, active 13th century-14th century1
- Ibn Ḥabib, Jacob ben Solomon, 1445?-1515 or 15161
- Ibn Māsawayh, Yūḥannā, -857 or 8581
- Ibn Muvhar, Solomon ben Samuel1
- Isserles, Moses ben Israel, approximately 1525-15721
- Jacob ben Asher, approximately 1269-approximately 13401
- Kavo, Yonah1
- Lattes, Abraham ben Isaac, 1809-18751
- Leon, Yitsḥaḳ ben Daṿid1
- Levin, Ẓevi Hirsch ben Aryeh Loeb, 1721-18001
- Leṿi, Avraham1
- Leṿi, Moshe ben Eliyahu, ha-Yerushalmi1
- Lieb, Hirsh1
- Lopis, Yitsḥaḳ1
- Luria, Isaac ben Solomon, 1534-15721
- Luria, Solomon ben Jehiel, 1510?-1573 or 15741
- Maimonides, Moses, 1135-12042
- Mordo, Eliʻezer ben Shabtai1
- Mortera, Saul Levi, 1596?-16601
- Muelhausen, Yom Tov Lipmann, active 14th century-15th century1
- Naftali Hirts, active 16th century1
- Nahum, Eliezer, approximately 1653-17461
- Nathan ben Jehiel, of Rome, 1035-approximately 11101
- Nathan, of Gaza, 1643 or 1644-16801
- Nathanael ibn al Fayyumi, active 12th century1
- Norzi, Avi'ad Sar Shalom1
- Pereyra de Paiva, Moses1
- Ptolemy, active 2nd century1
- Rabba, Eliyah ben Menaḥem1
- Rabba, Eliyahu ben Menaḥem1
- Rashi, 1040-11051
- Romanelli, Samuel Aaron, 1757-18141