- American Antiquarian Society1
- Aristotle2
- Arrighi, Ludovico degli1
- Artaud, active 1696-17001
- B. Cranston & Co.1
- B. E.1
- Bacon, Francis, 1561-16261
- Baildon, John1
- Balch, William Stevens, 1806-18871
- Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, active 13th century1
- Beau-Chesne, Jehan de1
- Bickham, George, 1684?-1758?1
- Billingsley, Henry, Sir, -16061
- Bingham, Caleb, 1757-18172
- Boethius, -5241
- Brechtl, Stephan, 1523-15741
- Bruyset, Jean Marie, 1749-18171
- Butler, Charles, -16471
- Catholic Church2
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius1
- Cocker, Edward, 1631-16751
- Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-16701
- Crosby and Ainsworth1
- Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-18021
- Dean, Henry, 1788-18491
- Digges, Leonard, -approximately 15591
- Ellis, Alexander John, 1814-18901
- Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-15462
- Erasmus, Desiderius, -15361
- Euclid2
- Feliciano, Felice, active 15th century1
- Felt, Oliver Selwyn, 1836-18681
- Fisher, George (Accomptant)1
- G. D.1
- Gaskell, G. A. (George A.), 1844-1
- Ginn and Company1
- Gould, Nathaniel D. (Nathaniel Duren), 1781-18641
- Gower, John, 1325?-14081
- Heywood, Thomas, approximately 1574-16411
- Homer1
- Hoole, Charles, 1610-16671
- Howland, Henry J. (Henry Jenkins), 1810-18971
- Huntington, Eleazer, 1789-18521
- Hyrde, Richard1
- Iohannes de Havere2
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -6361
- Khuwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsá, active 813-8461
- La Place, Pierre de, 1520?-15721
- Latini, Brunetto, 1220-12951
- Lenthall, John, 1683-17651
- Lewis, Priscilla G.1
- Lily, William, 1468?-15223
- M'Culloch, J. M. (James Melville), 1801-18831
- Maria Carolina, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies, 1752-18141
- Martin, E. T.1
- Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-15602
- Moore, Francis M. (Francis Marion), 1846-1
- More, Hannah, 1745-18331
- Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-18261
- Neudörffer, Johann, 1497-15631