- Abarca de Bolea, Pedro Pablo, conde de Aranda, 1719-179812
- Adams, Abigail, 1744-18181
- Adams, Daniel1
- Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848244
- Adet, Pierre-Auguste, 1763-18322
- Albany County. Supervisor1
- Albouy, Leonard6
- Allan, John, 1747-18056
- Alsop, John, 1724-17943
- American Bible Society6
- Amherst of Arracan, William Pitt Amherst, Earl, 1773-18571
- Anthony, Theophilus1
- Antill, Edward, 1742-17893
- Arbuthnot, Admiral1
- Arbuthnot, Marriott, 1711?-17941
- Archer, Henry W.1
- Archer, Henry Waldegrave1
- Armand, Colonel1
- Ast, William T.1
- Atlee, William T.1
- Auditors of Main Army1
- Avery, James3
- Aylett, William1
- Bache, Sarah Franklin, 1743-18081
- Bailey, Francis, 1735?-18151
- Baker, George A.1
- Bancker, Abraham B., 1754-18061
- Bancker, Gerard, 1740-179925
- Bancroft, Edward, 1744-18211
- Bancroft, Samuel1
- Banks, Henry3
- Banyer, Goldsborough, Jr.5
- Barbé-Marbois, François, marquis de, 1745-183751
- Barclay, Thomas6
- Barclay, Thomas, 1753-18309
- Barrett, Nathaniel2
- Barri, M.1
- Barré, M.1
- Basden, Joseph1
- Bauman, Sebastian3
- Bayard, John1
- Bayard, LeRoy, and McEvers1
- Bayard, Samuel4
- Bayley, Richard, 1745-18014
- Baynton, John1
- Beardsley, John1
- Beatty, John10
- Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 1732-17991
- Beelen Bertholff, Baron de1
- Belknap, Andrew E.1
- Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-17986
- Benson, Egbert, 1746-183319
- Berckel, E. F. van (Engelbert François), 1726-17961
- Berckel, F. P. van1
- Berckel, Pieter Johan van, 1725-180050
- Beveridge, David3
- Bidwell, Barnabas1
- Bilder, William1
- Bingham, William5
- Bird, Henry Merttins3