- Fields, James Thomas, 1817-18811
- Fisher, George Washington, 1814-18951
- Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice), 1860-19415
- Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-19021
- Fords, Howard & Hulbert1
- Foster, Myles Birket, 1825-18991
- Fox, Charles1
- Fox, Ebenezer, 1763-18431
- Francis, Joseph H.1
- Frank1
- Français, Louis, 1814-18971
- Frederick Warne and Co.1
- Fredericks, Alfred1
- Frenzeny, Paul1
- Friends of Freedom (Boston, Mass.)2
- Frost, John, 1800-18592
- G. Routledge & Co.1
- G.P. Putnam & Co.2
- G.P. Putnam's Sons2
- G.W. Carleton & Co.4
- G.W. Cottrell & Co.2
- Garland, Hamlin, 1860-19402
- Geo. C. Rand & Avery1
- Gilbert, John, 1817-18971
- Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-19091
- Goodale, Dora Read, 1866-19531
- Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-18604
- Gould and Lincoln1
- Graham, William H.1
- Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-19321
- Grandville, J. J., 1803-18471
- Grant and Griffith1
- Greenleaf, Lawrence N. (Lawrence Nichols)1
- Gregg, Josiah, 1806-18501
- Guinot, Eugène, 1812-18611
- Gyles, Althea, 1868-19491
- Hall, S. C., Mrs., 1800-18811
- Hallowell, George Hawley, 1872-19261
- Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-18681
- Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, 1834-18941
- Harper & Brothers16
- Harris, Thomas Lake, 1823-19061
- Harsha, D. A. (David Addison), 1827-18951
- Harvey1
- Harvey & Darton (London, England)1
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-18642
- Headley, J. T., 1813-18971
- Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-19041
- Henry A. Brown & Co.1
- Herbert, Henry William, 1807-18581
- Hillyard, W. Heard (William Heard)1
- Historical Publishing Company1
- Holbrook, Samuel F., 1793-1
- Hole, S. Reynolds (Samuel Reynolds), 1819-19041
- Houghton, Mifflin and Company3
- Housman, Laurence, 1865-19591
- Howard, Justin H.1
- Howitt, Mary Botham, 1799-18881
- Howland, Henry J. (Henry Jenkins), 1810-18971
- Howland, S. A. (Southworth Allen), 1800-18821