- Harper & Brothers16
- D. Appleton and Company12
- Longmans, Green, and Co.7
- James R. Osgood and Company6
- Lang, Andrew, 1844-19126
- Macmillan & Co.6
- Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice), 1860-19415
- Lane, John, 1854-19255
- Phillips, Sampson & Company5
- G.W. Carleton & Co.4
- Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-18604
- Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-18853
- Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-18943
- Bodley Head (Firm)3
- Buffum, Job3
- Charles Scribner's Sons3
- Chatto & Windus (Firm)3
- Dobson, Austin, 1840-19213
- Durrie & Peck3
- Houghton, Mifflin and Company3
- J.E. Tilton and Company3
- John P. Jewett and Company (Boston, Mass.)3
- Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-19363
- Leighton, John, 1822-19123
- Miller, James, 1821 or 1822-18833
- Sampson Low, Son & Co.3
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-18963
- Thomas Nelson & Sons3
- Adam and Charles Black (Firm)2
- Appleton, George Swett, 1821-18782
- Armstrong, Margaret, 1867-19442
- Bentley, Richard, 1794-18712
- Browne, Hablot Knight, 1815-18822
- Cable, George Washington, 1844-19252
- Chapman and Hall2
- Crosby and Ainsworth2
- De Witt & Davenport2
- Ellis, Frederick Startridge, 1830-19012
- Fanny, Aunt, 1822-18942
- Feely, John2
- Felt, Oliver Selwyn, 1836-18682
- Friends of Freedom (Boston, Mass.)2
- Frost, John, 1800-18592
- G.P. Putnam & Co.2
- G.P. Putnam's Sons2
- G.W. Cottrell & Co.2
- Garland, Hamlin, 1860-19402
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-18642
- Humphrey, Lizbeth Bullock, 1841-2
- Kipling, John Lockwood, 1837-19112
- Lee and Shepard2
- Lee, Shepard, and Dillingham2
- Lindsay & Blakiston2
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-18822
- Mayo, Sarah C. Edgarton (Sarah Carter Edgarton), 1819-18482
- National Anti-slavery Bazaar2
- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-19112
- Reade, Charles, 1814-18842
- Robinson, Charles, 1870-19372
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-18822