Egdon Heath
- Name
- Holst, Gustav, 1874-1934
- Title
- Egdon Heath
- Abstract
- The music of "Egdon Heath," inspired by Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native, is elusive and unpredictable. Its three main elements are set out at the beginning-a pulseless wandering melody, first for double basses and then all the strings, a sad brass processional and restless music for strings and oboe. All three intertwine and transmute, eventually coming to rest with music of desolation, out of which emerges a ghostly dance, the strangest moment in a strange work. After this comes a resolution of sorts, and the ending, though hardly conclusive, gives the impression of an immense journey achieved, even though "Egdon Heath" lasts no more than 12 minutes.
- Date
- 1927
- Library Location
- Gabe M. Wiener Music & Arts Library, Columbia University
Browse Location’s Digital Content - Also In
- Jewels in her crown
- Persistent URL