Jay, John, 1745-1829 (Author)
Carmichael, William, -1795 (Addressee)
[Document, 1780 June 27]
Jay reminds Carmichael that he has exclusive direction of the affairs of the American legation in Spain and that Carmichael should not have, without Jay's knowledge, requested a meeting with Montmorin relative to Mr. Cumberland. Jay also disapproves of Carmichael's having given information about Cumberland not publicly known to Montmorin's secretary, the Chevalier de Bourgoigne. Evidently he and Ca rmichael entertain different ideas as to the extent of Carmichael's powers as charge des affaires because Carmichael has demanded that he countersign all of Jay's letters and because he has assumed the role of minister when Jay has been absent from Aranjuez. Jay believes that the instructions of Congress clearly state that only in the event of the minister's death can Carmichael assume his powers and duties. Hopes, therefore, that in the future Carmichael will confine himself to the duties of a secretary and will not ask for conferences or transmit information to anyone without Jay's prior consent, until Congress removes all doubts as to their respective roles. He assures Carmichael that he will represent his services in their true light to Congress and that only considerations of the public good have induced him to write this letter. Hopes Carmichael will reflect that Jay's criticisms are based on reason and not caprice. Encloses a newspaper and a letter for Carmichael. Has heard that a Dutch merchant will accept bills drawn on Mr. Laurens on generous terms. Urges Carmichael to see O'Dunne because he can give him much valuable information on the situation in Lisbon. O'Dunne has promised to care for such Americans as may unfortunately find themselves in Portugal. There are rumors that Cumberland's mission is one of peace and most people seem very glad of it.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783; Jay, John, 1745-1829
June 27, 1780
Physical Description
4 pages
Library Location
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
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Also In
The papers of John Jay
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