Board of Trade (Author)
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760 (Addressee)
[Document, 1753 July 18]
The act in question comes from the Province of New Jersey, which is interested in 1. the advantages which New Jersey might obtain from it. 2. the determination of the boundary between Italy & New York. The province of New Jersey by itself can neither make nor establish boundaries, and cannot prescribe regulations for deciding differences between itself and the province of New York. The present act, without the concurrence of New York, is unwarrantable and ineffectual. It is in the interest of the King not to support the act of the New Jersey legislature, but to establish a commission to settle the boundary. It is also in the King's interest to see that New York maintains as much land as belongs to it, because the King would otherwise be deprived of quit rents by the proprietors. In the case of exorbitantly large grants with very inconsiderable quit rents, one might reasonably suppose that the Crown has been deceived in such grants by its officers. It appears that Governor Hunter ought not have issued his commission for running the line without having received previous royal direction, and that a commission issued without such authority, when the interests of the crown are considered, is a nullity. It is also of questionable validity as far as new York itself is concerned, because it does not follow the act passed there in 1717, which declares that such commission should be issued under the joint authority of the governor and council of province. However, the crown has already confirmed Hunter's transaction.
United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Jay, John, 1745-1829
July 18, 1753
Physical Description
12 pages
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Also In
The papers of John Jay
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