[Document, 1719 May 02]
The council, ordered that a commission be given for running and ascertaining the line between the provinces of New York and New Jersey to Isaac Hicks and Robert Walter as Commissioners and Allen Gerard (Allane Jarrat or Jarret) as Surveyor on behalf of the Province of New York. It also ordered a warrant issued immediately to the treasurers of the Province to pay 120 pounds to Robert Walter and Isaa c Hicks for the expenses of running the division line. On 17 June, the council ordered a warrant issued to the Treasurer to pay Jarrat 60 pounds for running the line. On 20 June, the council gave the opinion that, out of the funds in the treasurer's hands for that purpose, Captain Walters and Colonel Hicks, Commissioners, and Jarrat, Surveyor, might be allowed as reasonable expenses 30 s a day during the time they are at work. From the New York Secretary's Office, Record of the Minutes of Council, beginning 3 September 1711. Examined by Goldsbrow Banyar. Entered before the Commission to settle the boundary between New York and New Jersey 26 August 1769.
United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Jay, John, 1745-1829
May 02, 1719
Physical Description
3 pages
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Also In
The papers of John Jay
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