[Document, 1684 April 09]
- Title
- [Document, 1684 April 09]
- Abstract
- The Governor, having sent for the Indians of Minisink, said that the Duke of York had given some land to the inhabitants of East Jersey, to be purchased with the consent of the Indians. The Governor said that the Indians should go with the surveys ors, that he would take no land but what was bought from the Indians, and that the men of East Jersey were to buy no land on the other side of the partit ion. The men from East Jersey were directed to proceed from the Hudson River directly to the Delaware, accompanied by one sachem of each nation and six other Indians. [From the Lib. Minutes of the Council, New York Secretary's Office. Entered before the Commission to settle the boundary between New York and New Jersey 23 August 1769.
- Subjects
- United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Format
- correspondence
- Genre
- correspondence
- Date
- April 09, 1684
- Physical Description
- 1 page
- Language
- English
- Library Location
- Browse Location’s Digital Content
- Also In
- The papers of John Jay
- Copyright Status
- No Copyright - United States
- Persistent URL
- https://dx.doi.org/10.7916/3r50-b644