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301. The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, “Surviving the Revolution”; Surviving The Revolution
Lehrer, James
- Name: Lehrer, James (Host)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 15
- Date: November 22, 1996
302. Nigerian National Task Force on Safe Motherhood; Nigerian Safe Motherhood
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: 1998
303. The Nightly Business Report - South Africa Coverage
Community Television Foundation of South Florida
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: April 5-8, 2004
304. The Nightly Business Report, Episode #24016 - South Africa: Ten Years After
Community Television Foundation of South Florida
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: [April 12, 2004]
305. The Nightly Business Report, Episodes #25061-25064 - Nigeria: Building Its Future
Community Television Foundation of South Florida
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: [June 13-16, 2005]
306. North Carolina Center for Voter Education: Campaign Finance Reform Commercials and PSAs; NC Center Voter Ed Campaign Finance
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: 2002
307. North Carolina Center for Voter Education: NCSPAN: Stories of Money and Politics; NC Center Voter Ed Stories Money Politics
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: 2002
308. The NOW with Bill Moyers, Episode #219 - Bill Gates
WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 9, 2003
309. The Nuclear Threat Initiative - Much Worse; Nunn/Rudman; 1.9 Million
Nuclear Threat Initiative
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
310. NYPL: Between the Lions; NYPL Between the Lions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 5
- Date: [between 2000 and 2001]
311. Office of Caribbean Program Coordination, Women Health and Development Issue; Caribbean Women Health
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 16
- Date: October 4, 1996
312. On the Threshold: Issues of Peacekeeping in Times of Transition; Issues of Peacekeeping in Times of Transition
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 17
- Date: 1998
313. One Life to Live: “Jessica’s Story”; Jessicas Story
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (U.S.)
- Name: National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (U.S.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: [1997]
314. Open Mind - Reflections on Economics With Three Cultures
Gregorian, Vartan
- Name: Gregorian, Vartan (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: 2007
315. Open Mind - The Idea and the Uses of a Foundation
Heffner, Richard D.
- Name: Heffner, Richard D. (Interviewer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: November 3, 2011
316. Open Mind, April 22, 2004 - A Man for All Seasons, Part II - Dr. Vartan Gregorian
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: April 22, 2004
317. Our Babies, Our Future; Our Babies Our Future
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1996
318. Our Youth, Our Future: Leading the Way; Our Youth Our Future
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: December 18, 2000
319. Overcoming Threats to Inclusion of Minorities in Higher Education; Overcoming Threats Inclusion Minorities
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1994
320. Pakistan and India: Under the Nuclear Shadow; Pakistan India Nuclear Shadow
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 16
- Date: July 24, 1991
321. Partners in Progress 2000; Partners In Progress
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 11
- Date: 2000
322. Path to Agreement: Georgia and Abkhazia; Georgia Abkhazia
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 15
- Date: June 2, 1993
323. The PBS KIDS Raising Readers
PBS for Kids
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
324. PBS Newshour: Alliance for Better Campaigns; Alliance For Better Campaigns
Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.)
- Name: Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 9
- Date: March 30, 2000
325. People for the American Way: Roundtable on Voting; People for the American Way Roundtable
People for the American Way
- Name: People for the American Way (Host institution)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 2
- Date: November 21, 1988
326. People's Palace: Secrets of the New York Public Library; Peoples Palace
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 5
- Date: [1991]
327. Perspectives on Philanthropy, Ford Foundation panel, New York, November 2008
Ford Foundation
- Name: Ford Foundation (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: November 2008
328. Pictures of Possible Iraqi Nuclear Facility: CBS Evening News, CNN Interview with President Bush; Iraqi Nuclear Facility
Columbia Broadcasting System, inc.
- Name: Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 14
- Date: [between 1989 and 2003]
329. A Policy Forum: “Educational Accountability: First the School System, Then the Students”; Educational Accountability
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: March 19, 1999
330. Portland Public Schools Foundation “The Campaign For Our Schools”; Portland Campaign Schools
Portland Public Schools (Or.)
- Name: Portland Public Schools (Or.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 16
- Date: April 25, 2000
331. Positive: a fourteen minute AIDs awareness film for teens; Positive
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1997
332. The Power Implications of the 21st Century Economy
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 7, 2011
333. The Power Implications of the 21st Century Economy
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 7, 2011
334. The Power of Peers; Power Of Peers
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 14
- Date: March 30, 2000
335. Preserving Andrew Carnegie’s Legacy (a symposium); Preserving Carnegie Legacy
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Host institution)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 13
- Date: May 17, 2000
336. The Primetime - Nuclear Smuggling Project, September 11, 2003
ABC News
- Name: ABC News (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: September 11, 2003
337. The Primetime - Radioactive Road Trip
American Broadcasting Company
- Name: American Broadcasting Company (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 13, 2005
338. The Primetime - Radioactive Road Trip
ABC News
- Name: ABC News (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 13, 2005
339. Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers, “Discoveries of Infancy”; Discoveries Of Infancy
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 17
- Date: June 22, 1988
340. Project Spirit Part I--Management (Getting Started); Part II--Classroom (Where it Really Happens); Project Spirit
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 2
- Date: June 20, 1989
341. Project Vote Smart: Exercise Your Right; Project Vote Smart Exercise Your Right
Project Vote Smart
- Name: Project Vote Smart (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 13
- Date: [between 1992 and 1997]
342. Project Vote Smart: it’s Time for a Change; Project Vote Smart Time For Change
Project Vote Smart
- Name: Project Vote Smart (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 13
- Date: 1997
343. Project Vote Smart (sampling: TV coverage 1992); Project Vote Smart TV 1992
Project Vote Smart
- Name: Project Vote Smart (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 13
- Date: 1992
344. Protective Urges, Working with the Feelings of Parents and Caregivers; Protective Urges
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 17
- Date: [1996]
345. The Puzzle Place (clip reel); Puzzle Place Clip Reel
KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
- Name: KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 8
- Date: March 21, 1995
346. The Puzzle Place/KCET; Puzzle Place
KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.)
- Name: KCET (Television station : Los Angeles, Calif.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 8
- Date: 1996
347. A Question about Sex; Question About Sex
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 8
- Date: June 11, 1990
348. Raising the Voices of Global Women Leaders; Raising the Voices of Global Women Leaders
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 18
- Date: July 18, 2002
349. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Crisis In The Congo Pt. 1 (Long version)
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
350. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Crisis In The Congo Pt. 2 (Long version)
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
351. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Insider/Activist (Long version)
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
352. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - International Troubleshooter
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
353. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Mr. U.N
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
354. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Peacemaker in Palestine (Long version)
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
355. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - Race: An American Dilemma Continues (Long version)
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
356. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - The Architect Of Peacekeeping
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
357. Ralph Bunche, The Odyssey Continues... - The Man Behind the Myth
William Greaves Productions
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: October 6, 2003
358. Ralph S. Mouse; Ralph S Mouse
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 19
- Date: June 1991
359. Reading Rainbow: Opt: An Illusionary Tale; Reading Rainbow Opt
Burton, LeVar
- Name: Burton, LeVar (Host)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: 1990
360. Reading Rainbow: Raccoons and Ripe Corn; Deer at the Brook; Come out Muskrats; Reading Rainbow Raccoons
Burton, LeVar
- Name: Burton, LeVar (Host)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: September 12, 1991
361. Reading Rainbow: Sam the Sea Cow; Reading Rainbow Sam the Sea Cow
Burton, LeVar
- Name: Burton, LeVar (Host)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1992
362. Reflections of Performance; Reflections Of Performance
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1997
363. Reinventing New Jersey: Innovative Approached Under Fiscal Pressure; Reinventing New Jersey
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 5
- Date: May 14, 1996
364. Report on deportation of undocumented workers in Maricopa County, Arizona and New Bedford, Massachusetts, July 11, 2008
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Patron)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: 2008
365. Rethinking Affirmative Action: Why Inclusion Matters in America; Rethinking Affirmative Action
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1994
366. The Road to Clean Elections; Road To Clean Elections
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: [2002]
367. The Road to Home: My Life and Times, C-SPAN Videotape 176702
National Cable Satellite Corporation
- Name: National Cable Satellite Corporation (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: 2003
368. Rossia Channel News Report about RAPIC Broadcast Nationally (Appendix 1); Rossia RAPIC
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 12
- Date: September 1993
369. Running Dry (Market Trailer)
Thebaut, Jim
- Name: Thebaut, Jim (Director)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: [2005]
370. The Russia: Facing The Future
Woodruff, Judy
- Name: Woodruff, Judy (Narrator)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
371. The Russia: Facing The Future
Woodruff, Judy
- Name: Woodruff, Judy (Narrator)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
372. Russia: Facing the Future; Russia Facing the Future
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation. XI.A.2. General. Box no. 6
- Date: [2001]
373. The Russia: Facing The Future
Woodruff, Judy
- Name: Woodruff, Judy (Narrator)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
374. The Russia: Facing The Future
Woodruff, Judy
- Name: Woodruff, Judy (Narrator)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: 2001
375. The Russia: Facing The Future (Excerpted Short Version)
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: April 23, 2001
376. The Russia: Facing the Future (Master)
Woodruff, Judy
- Name: Woodruff, Judy (Narrator)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
377. The Russia Initiative - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 23, 2000
378. The Russia Initiative - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 23, 2000
379. The Russia Initiative - Political Democratization and Economic Reform in Russia - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 8, 2000
380. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 19, 2000
381. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 19, 2000
382. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 19, 2000
383. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 20, 2000
384. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 20, 2000
385. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 20, 2000
386. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 20, 2000
387. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 19, 2000
388. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 20, 2000
389. The Russia Initiative - Problems of Engagement: Russia’s Security, Economic and Banking Crises - Inteviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 19, 2000
390. The Russia Initiative - Program Study Group on Social Cohesion - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 21, 2000
391. The Russia Initiative - Program Study Group on Social Cohesion - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 21, 2000
392. The Russia Initiative - Program Study Group on Social Cohesion - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 21, 2000
393. The Russia Initiative - Program Study Group on Social Cohesion - Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 21, 2000
394. The Russia Initiative - Study Group Participant Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 22, 2000
395. The Russia Initiative - Study Group Participant Interviews
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Organizer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: June 22, 2000
396. The Russia Initiative Conference
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 12, 2000
397. The Russia Initiative Conference
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 11, 2000
398. The Russia Initiative Conference
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 12, 2000
399. The Russia Initiative Conference
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 12, 2000
400. The Russia Initiative Conference
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Funder)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.A. Corporation
- Date: May 11, 2000