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1. Dictated notes of Isabel Grossner on Spencer Foundation project 1984
Grossner, Isabel S
- Name: Grossner, Isabel S (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1984

2. Oral history interview with Benjamin Bloom 1985
Bloom, Benjamin
- Name: Bloom, Benjamin (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1985

3. Oral history interview with David McClelland 1983
McClelland, David C. (David Clarence)
- Name: McClelland, David C. (David Clarence) (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

4. Oral history interview with David Riesman 1982
Riesman, David, 1909-2002
- Name: Riesman, David, 1909-2002 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1982

5. Oral history interview with Dean Hoge 1983
Hoge, Dean R., 1937-2008
- Name: Hoge, Dean R., 1937-2008 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

6. Oral history interview with Donald Platten 1982
Platten, Donald C
- Name: Platten, Donald C (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1982

7. Oral history interview with Edith Maris 1983
Maris, Edith
- Name: Maris, Edith (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

8. Oral history interview with Farwell Smith 1983
Smith, Farwell
- Name: Smith, Farwell (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

9. Oral history interview with Frank Silver MacGregor, 1966
MacGregor, Frank Silver, 1897-1971
- Name: MacGregor, Frank Silver, 1897-1971 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: 1966

10. Oral history interview with Franklin Williams 1982
Williams, Franklin, 1917-1990
- Name: Williams, Franklin, 1917-1990 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1982

11. Oral history interview with Frederick Ellett 1983
Ellett, Frederick
- Name: Ellett, Frederick (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

12. Oral history interview with Gardner Lindzey 1986
Lindzey, Gardner
- Name: Lindzey, Gardner (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1986

13. Oral history interview with George Ranney 1983
Ranney, George Alfred, 1912-
- Name: Ranney, George Alfred, 1912- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

14. Oral history interview with Harold Howe II 1983
Howe, Harold, II, 1918-2002
- Name: Howe, Harold, II, 1918-2002 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

15. Oral history interview with Irving Harris 1983
Harris, Irving B. (Irving Brooks), 1910-2004
- Name: Harris, Irving B. (Irving Brooks), 1910-2004 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

16. Oral history interview with J. Myron Atkin 1983
Atkin, J. Myron
- Name: Atkin, J. Myron (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

17. Oral history interview with James Guthrie 1983
Guthrie, James
- Name: Guthrie, James (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

18. Oral history interview with John Flanagan 1983
Flanagan, John, 1906-
- Name: Flanagan, John, 1906- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

19. Oral history interview with Kathleen Carlson 1983
Carlson, Kathleen
- Name: Carlson, Kathleen (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

20. Oral history interview with Lawrence Arthur Cremin 1983
Cremin, Lawrence A. (Lawrence Arthur), 1925-1990
- Name: Cremin, Lawrence A. (Lawrence Arthur), 1925-1990 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

21. Oral history interview with Lloyd N. Morrisett 1983
Morrisett, Lloyd, 1929-
- Name: Morrisett, Lloyd, 1929- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

22. Oral history interview with Lyle Spencer 1983
Spencer, Lyle M
- Name: Spencer, Lyle M (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

23. Oral history interview with Marion Faldet 1982
Faldet, Marion, 1924-
- Name: Faldet, Marion, 1924- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1982

24. Oral history interview with Michael Timpane 1983
Timpane, P. Michael, 1934-
- Name: Timpane, P. Michael, 1934- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

25. Oral history interview with Ralph Tyler 1983
Tyler, Ralph W. (Ralph Winfred), 1902-1994
- Name: Tyler, Ralph W. (Ralph Winfred), 1902-1994 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

26. Oral history interview with Richard Atkinson 1983
Atkinson, Richard
- Name: Atkinson, Richard (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

27. Oral history interview with Robert Calfee 1983
Calfee, Robert C
- Name: Calfee, Robert C (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

28. Oral history interview with Sanford M. Dornbusch 1983
Dornbusch, Sanford M
- Name: Dornbusch, Sanford M (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

29. Oral history interview with Stanley Moore 1983
Moore, Stanley Williams, 1914-
- Name: Moore, Stanley Williams, 1914- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

30. Oral history interview with Stanley Nollen 1983
Nollen, Stanley D
- Name: Nollen, Stanley D (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

31. Oral history interview with Stephen Knezevich 1983
Knezevich, Stephen J
- Name: Knezevich, Stephen J (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

32. Oral history interview with Susan Ervin-Tripp 1983
Ervin-Tripp, Susan M. (Susan Moore), 1927-
- Name: Ervin-Tripp, Susan M. (Susan Moore), 1927- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

33. Oral history interview with T. Vincent Learson 1982
Learson, T. Vincent, 1912-
- Name: Learson, T. Vincent, 1912- (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1982

34. Oral history interview with Vernon Larsen 1983
Larsen, Vernon
- Name: Larsen, Vernon (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

35. Oral history interview with William Rohwer 1983
Rohwer, William D
- Name: Rohwer, William D (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

36. Oral history interview with Willie T. Howard 1983
Howard, Willie T
- Name: Howard, Willie T (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1983

37. Reminiscences of Cass Canfield, 1966
Canfield, Cass, 1897-1986
- Name: Canfield, Cass, 1897-1986 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: 1966

38. Reminiscences of Edward Samuel Greenbaum, 1965
Greenbaum, Edward S. (Edward Samuel), 1890-1970
- Name: Greenbaum, Edward S. (Edward Samuel), 1890-1970 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: 1965

39. Reminiscences of Flora Macdonald Rhind, 1969
Rhind, Flora Macdonald, 1904-1985
- Name: Rhind, Flora Macdonald, 1904-1985 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Rockefeller Foundation oral history collection
- Date: 1969

40. Reminiscences of Kenneth Davis 1969
Davis, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sydney), 1912-1999
- Name: Davis, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sydney), 1912-1999 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Adlai E. Stevenson project
- Date: 1969

41. Reminiscences of Millicent Carey McIntosh, 1966
McIntosh, Millicent C
- Name: McIntosh, Millicent C (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: 1966