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101. Key: East Texas Speech; Story of Morgan, The Rat
Key, M. S., Mrs.
- Name: Key, M. S., Mrs. (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

102. Knott: How a dictionary is made
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

103. Kreymborg: Readings from Mushrooms, and other works
Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966
- Name: Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

104. Kreymborg: Selected readings: Daisies Differ, Idealists, Children, The Socratic School
Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966
- Name: Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966 (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

105. Kreymborg: Yearning; Springtime; Ragpicker Love; Roundelay; Ritardanda a la Da Da
Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966
- Name: Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

106. Krock: Alumni Day. Ceremonies and luncheon at Columbia University. William D. Sims, Nicholas M. Butler, Walter Rautenstrauch, Raymond C. Moley, Arthur Krock, speakers
Krock, Arthur, 1886-1974
- Name: Krock, Arthur, 1886-1974 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: February 13, 1933

107. La Follette: Interview on the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway Treaty, conducted by Hadyn of the Detroit News
La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953
- Name: La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

108. La Guardia: Speaking as a member of the Family Welfare Committee
La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947
- Name: La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

109. Laskey: The qualifications of a guard in American football
Laskey, Theodore
- Name: Laskey, Theodore (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

110. Le Clerq: Selected readings: Lincoln; Ex Voto; and Pedant
Le Clercq, Jacques, 1898-1972
- Name: Le Clercq, Jacques, 1898-1972 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: November 6, 1933

111. Lewis Carroll Centenary with President Butler
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947
- Name: Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

112. Lewis: Here at High Morning; an Autumn Poem; Anne of Austria; and Chemical postlude
Lewis, May
- Name: Lewis, May (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: May 1, 1934

113. Lindsay: Silver Ships; Jazz of this Hotel; Dulcinia; Dirge for a Righteous Kitten
Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931
- Name: Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931 (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1931

114. Lippmann: Speech at Cleveland, Ohio
Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974
- Name: Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

115. Longfellow: Little rich manufacturer; Mr. Cornish. Uncle Pinkham's lamb. Captain Simeon Taylor's Dream. Presentation of Atkinson's "Yellow Rose in Texas." And others.
Fackenthal, Frank Diehl, 1883-1968
- Name: Fackenthal, Frank Diehl, 1883-1968 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

116. MacDonald: Speaking at the Naval Arms Parley. #3
MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937
- Name: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1930

117. MacDonald: Speech at the Foreign Relations Dinner, NY
MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937
- Name: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1929

118. MacDonald: Speech at Washington, D.C. pt. 1-9
MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937
- Name: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

119. Magazine of the Air program: Spaeth on music, Kaufman on sports, Seldes on theater, Heywood Broun, Patrick Collun
Spaeth, Sigmund, 1885-1965
- Name: Spaeth, Sigmund, 1885-1965 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

120. Marconi: Speech
Marconi, Guglielmo, 1874-1937
- Name: Marconi, Guglielmo, 1874-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1929

121. Masters: Andrew Jackson; Selections from Godbey
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

122. Masters: Don't Give Up the Ship; Johnny Appleseed
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

123. Masters: From Spoon River Anthology and New Spoon River
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

124. Masters: In the Garden at Dawn Hour; Marcia; Achilles Deathridge; Slip Shoe Honey
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

125. Masters: Lincoln the Man. Selection entitled: "One Cause which Was Lost"
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

126. Masters: Manila: Dewey's Sailors, Crews of the German Cruisers; The Hadrones; Manila: The Final Chorus
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

127. Masters: Marching Into the Morning; Mournin' for Religion
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

128. Masters: Selected poetry readings: Lichee Nuts; Pictures and Women; Elmer Chubb and Yang Chung; Hip Lung and the Photogravure Page; Huen Sha
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

129. Masters: Silence; The Idiot; The Sign
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

130. Masters: Susie (The Great Valley), Anne Rutledge; Selected poetry readings: Lichee Nuts; City Hall Park; Letter from Peking; Full Moon on the Bowery
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

131. Masters: The Hill
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

132. Masters: The Lost Orchard. From "Godbey," a dramatic poem
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Name: Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

133. Matthews: Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Pt 1-2
Matthews, W. R. (Walter Robert), 1881-1973
- Name: Matthews, W. R. (Walter Robert), 1881-1973 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: December 1934

134. McJimsey: East Texas Speech; Story of Morgan, The Rat
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

135. Millay: Selected readings: God's World, and Sonnets 11 and 35 from Fatal Interview; City Trees from Second April. Sonnet 22 from Harp Weaver; and Elaine from Second April. Taken from radio
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950
- Name: Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

136. Mitchneck: Readings, multiple languages
Mitchneck, Simon R.
- Name: Mitchneck, Simon R. (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

137. Moley: Alumni Day. Ceremonies and luncheon at Columbia University. William D. Sims, Nicholas M. Butler, Walter Rautenstrauch, Raymond C. Moley, Arthur Krock, speakers
Moley, Raymond, 1886-1975
- Name: Moley, Raymond, 1886-1975 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: February 13, 1933

138. Monro: Readings from the poems of Harold Monro, Gerard Manly Hopkins,T.S. Eliot; Reading and explanation of Harold Monro's "Bitter Sanctuary"
Monro, Alida Klemantaski
- Name: Monro, Alida Klemantaski (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: April 2, 1934

139. Monroe: Readings
Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936
- Name: Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936 (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

140. Montgomery: What a quarterback should know. Montgomery was a Columbia University football player who also played professional football
Montgomery, Clifford
- Name: Montgomery, Clifford (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

141. Moses: Speech
Moses, Robert, 1888-1981
- Name: Moses, Robert, 1888-1981 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: October 22, 1934

142. Mr. Smitty, Irish Free State. Naval Arms Parley #6
Smiddy, Timothy
- Name: Smiddy, Timothy (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1930

143. Mulrooney: Speech. Pt. 1-2
Mulrooney, Edward P.
- Name: Mulrooney, Edward P. (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

144. Nevell: The qualifications of a fullback. Nevell played football for the Columbia College team
Nevel, William
- Name: Nevel, William (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

145. Nevins: Speech
Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971
- Name: Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: May 4, 1933

146. Nyce: On Slang. Broadcast on the "Magic of Speech" program
Nyce, Barnes
- Name: Nyce, Barnes (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

147. Owen: Speech, New York; part 1-3
Owen, Ruth Bryan, 1885-1954
- Name: Owen, Ruth Bryan, 1885-1954 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

148. Perry: Ancient and modern Greek verse. Selected readings
Perry, Edward Delavan, 1854-1938
- Name: Perry, Edward Delavan, 1854-1938 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: November 7, 1929

149. Perry: Ancient and modern Greek verse. Selected readings. Test record
Perry, Edward Delavan, 1854-1938
- Name: Perry, Edward Delavan, 1854-1938 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1929

150. Pershing: Speech delivered at New York City
Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948
- Name: Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860-1948 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: May 4, 1933

151. Phelps: Speech
Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943
- Name: Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: May 4, 1933

152. Post: Entertainment at White House with Anna Dall
Post, Emily, 1872-1960
- Name: Post, Emily, 1872-1960 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

153. Powell: Speaking on the Folk Music Program, broadcast over WEAF
Powell, John, 1882-1963
- Name: Powell, John, 1882-1963 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

154. Progressive Housing Movement; speakers include Langdon Post, Ernst Kahn, Raymond Unwin, others
Post, Langdon W. (Langdon Ward), 1899-
- Name: Post, Langdon W. (Langdon Ward), 1899- (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

155. Putnam: Selected prose reading. New York City
Putnam, Herbert
- Name: Putnam, Herbert (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

156. Quezon: Freedom for the Philippines
Quezon, Manuel Luis, 1878-1944
- Name: Quezon, Manuel Luis, 1878-1944 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

157. Ralston: Canadian speech at the London Naval Arms Parley. #5
Ralston, James Layton, 1881-1948
- Name: Ralston, James Layton, 1881-1948 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1930

158. Ramsey MacDonald introduces Henry Stimson, Secretary of State from the United States. London. Naval Arms Parley #4
MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937
- Name: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1930

159. Rautenstrauch: Alumni Day. Ceremonies and luncheon at Columbia University. William D. Sims, Nicholas M. Butler, Walter Rautenstrauch, Raymond C. Moley, Arthur Krock, speakers
Rautenstrauch, Walter, 1880-1951
- Name: Rautenstrauch, Walter, 1880-1951 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: February 13, 1933

160. Readings from Burns, Donne, Swinburne, Shelley, Scott, Blake. Also, a reading by Mrs. Grierson, and a translation from the French by Prof. Grierson.
Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir, 1866-1960
- Name: Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir, 1866-1960 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

161. Roosevelt: Address at Harrodsburg, KY
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

162. Roosevelt: Address, WABC
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1935

163. Roosevelt: Annual message to Congress
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1941

164. Roosevelt: Assistant Secretary of the Navy; Speech on the Navy
Roosevelt, Henry L.
- Name: Roosevelt, Henry L. (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

165. Roosevelt: Dedication of Shenandoah National Park
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

166. Roosevelt: Democrat Campaign Speeches
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1940

167. Roosevelt: Fireside chat on the drought situation
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

168. Roosevelt: First Inaugural Address
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

169. Roosevelt: Introducing a program of folk music, as broadcast over WEAF
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
- Name: Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

170. Roosevelt: Second inaugural address
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1937

171. Roosevelt: Speaking from Buenos Aires
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

172. Roosevelt: Speaking on the National Relief Association; also, a review of his first year in the White House
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

173. Roosevelt: Speech 1934
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

174. Roosevelt: Speech accepting the nomination
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

175. Roosevelt: Speech at Arkansas Centennial
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

176. Roosevelt: Speech at Conference on Crime
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

177. Roosevelt: Speech at Monticello
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

178. Roosevelt: Speech at Triboro Bridge dedication
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

179. Roosevelt: Speech from Pittsburgh
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

180. Roosevelt: Speech from Quebec
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: July 31, 1936

181. Roosevelt: Speech in 1934
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

182. Roosevelt: Speech in 1934
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: November 12, 1934

183. Roosevelt: Speech. New York City. Part 1-2
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
- Name: Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1933

184. Roosevelt: Speech on foreign affairs from Chautauqua
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: August 14, 1936

185. Roosevelt: Supreme Court
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1937

186. Roosevelt: Veto of Bonus Bill
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- Name: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1935

187. Roosevelt: Victory Dinner
Buchan, John, 1875-1940
- Name: Buchan, John, 1875-1940 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1937

188. Root: Speech at foreign relations dinner. Ramsay MacDonald guest of honor
Root, Elihu, 1845-1937
- Name: Root, Elihu, 1845-1937 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1929

189. Roots: East Texas Speech; Story of Morgan, The Rat
Roots, T. S., Mrs.
- Name: Roots, T. S., Mrs. (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: between 1925 and 1965?

190. Roper: Speech
Roper, Daniel C. (Daniel Calhoun), 1867-1943
- Name: Roper, Daniel C. (Daniel Calhoun), 1867-1943 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: April 10, 1933

191. Rubio: Speech. In Spanish, with an interpreter
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1929

192. Russell: Babylon
Russell, George William
- Name: Russell, George William (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

193. Russell: Gates of the Mountain complete
Russell, George William
- Name: Russell, George William (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

194. Russell: Gates of the Mountain incomplete
Russell, George William
- Name: Russell, George William (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

195. Russell: Reading Amy Lowell's poetry
Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925
- Name: Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925 (Author)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1936

196. Russell: Sometimes when alone
Russell, George William
- Name: Russell, George William (Performer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1932

197. Sarabande, by Johann S. Bach. A virginal solo performed by Challis
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
- Name: Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 (Composer)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1930

198. Schlossberg: Speech at the Conference Agaist the War. New York City
New York Conference Against War (1934 : New York, N.Y.)
- Name: New York Conference Against War (1934 : New York, N.Y.) (Creator)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

199. Schroeder: Bachelor's Indiscretion (Yorkshire)
Schroeder, Mary
- Name: Schroeder, Mary (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934

200. Schroeder: The Rat
Schroeder, Mary
- Name: Schroeder, Mary (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Speech Recordings Records Speech Laboratory Archives
- Date: 1934