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1. Albuquerque, New Mexico : Chief City of a New Empire in the Great Southwest
Hening, H. B.
- Collection Name: American Viewbook Collection
- Date: circa 1908

4. Chicago, The City Beautiful
Curt Teich & Co.
- Collection Name: American Viewbook Collection
- Date: between 1940 and 1949

5. Collection of Designs in Architecture, Containing New Plans and Elevations of Houses, for General Use
Swan, Abraham
- Name: Swan, Abraham (Author)
- Date: 1775

7. De re aedificatoria
Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472
- Name: Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472 (Author)
- Date: 1485

10. Examples of Metal Work for Ecclesiastical and Domestic Use : Manufactured by Hart, Son, Peard & Co
Hart, Son, Peard & Co.
- Date: 1870

11. First and Chief Grovndes of Architectvre vsed in all the auncient and famous monymentes: with a farther & more ample discouse vyppon the same, than hitherto hath been set out by any other. Pvblished by Ihon Shute, Paynter and Archytecte
Shute, John, -1563
- Name: Shute, John, -1563 (Author)
- Date: 1563

13. Glimpses of the New Coney Island : America's Most Popular Pleasure Resort; Reproduced from Best and Latest Photographs
Isaac H. Blanchard Co.
- Collection Name: American Viewbook Collection
- Date: 1904

14. Helena, Montana
Business Men’s Association of the City of Helena, Montana
- Collection Name: American Viewbook Collection
- Date: circa 1905

15. Illustrations of China and Its People: A Series of Two Hundred Photographs, with Letterpress Descriptive of the Places and People Represented
Thomson, J. (John), 1837-1921
- Date: 1874

16. Illustrations of iron architecture, made by the Architectural Iron Works of the city of New York
Architectural Iron Works (Firm)
- Name: Architectural Iron Works (Firm) (Creator)
- Date: 1865

18. Lane's telescopic view of the interior of the Great Industrial Exhibition
Rawlins, Thomas J.
- Date: 1851

19. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1863
Valentine, D. T. (David Thomas), 1801-1869
- Date: 1863

24. Standard Kleartone Oil Stain, Acid Stain and Paste Wood Filler Samples
Standard Varnish Works
- Date: 1924