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421. Oberon, December 18, 1918 (1921). Program for 9 January 1919
Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.) (Creator,Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Joseph Urban Papers. Series III: New York, 1912-1933, undated. Subseries III.5: Metropolitan Opera, 1917-1933. Oberon, December 18, 1918 (1921). Box no. 19, Folder no. 3
- Date: January 9, 1919
422. Observer Diaghilev Exhibition Invitation for Monsieur Matislav Dobuzinsky
Dobuzhinskiĭ, Mstislav Valerianovich, 1875-1957
- Date: November 2nd, 1954
424. Odd, Strange and Curious
Gumby, L. S. Alexander, 1885-1961
- Name: Gumby, L. S. Alexander, 1885-1961 (Collector)
- Collection Name: L.S. Alexander Gumby collection of Negroiana
- Date: 1910-1952
425. Opening Ceremony Program for the Birthplace Museum
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series VII. Andrew Carnegie. VII.A. CCNY Carnegie Files. Box no. 1
- Date: June 28, 1928.
426. Opera/South third season program
Opera/South (Firm)
- Name: Opera/South (Firm) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Ulysses Kay Papers
- Date: November 17-19, 1972
427. Order of Service at Saint John's Church on the Ninth Anniversary of the Inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as President of the United States
St. John’s Church (Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C.)
- Collection Name: Frances Perkins Papers
- Date: 1942
428. Ordinanza delle Tasse da osseruarsi ira la Natione de gli Hebrei di Ferrara
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1631
429. Packaging from videocassette recording of Children’s Defense Fund LNCB PSA Series, February 1992 (Marian’s Dubs)
Children's Defense Fund (U.S.)
- Name: Children's Defense Fund (U.S.) (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 8
- Date: February 1992
430. The Palace of Peace. Page 1
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
- Name: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series VII. Andrew Carnegie. VII.B. Printed Material. Box no. 4, Folder no. 15
- Date: 1913
431. Pamphlet from the National Conference of Christians and Jews listing AN AMERICAN DILEMMA among "Suggestions for the Fifth Annual Observance of Religious Book Week, May 4-11, 1947"
National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Name: National Conference of Christians and Jews (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series II. Files on Microfilm. Subseries II.C: Carnegie-Myrdal Study, The Negro in America: Correspondence and research memoranda for use in the preparation of Gunnar Myrdal. Reviews
- Date: [May 1947]
432. Paris 1937 Exposition Internationale Carte de Service
Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France)
- Name: Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Simon Lissim Papers
- Date: 1937
433. Parte presa nel קקי dell'università degli ebrei di questa città di Padova
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1791
434. Passport issued by Greek Consulate
Greece. Consulate (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Name: Greece. Consulate (Kiev, Ukraine) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Simon Lissim Papers
- Date: 10/08/19
435. Passport issued by Norwegian Consulate
Norway. Consulate (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Name: Norway. Consulate (Kiev, Ukraine) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Simon Lissim Papers
- Date: 09/16/19
436. Patent
Peter I, Emperor of Russia, 1672-1725
- Name: Peter I, Emperor of Russia, 1672-1725 (Autographer)
- Collection Name: Georgii Mitrofanovich Kiselevskii Papers
- Date: 05/03/1722
437. Pelléas et Mélisande
Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918
- Name: Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918 (Composer)
- Collection Name: Joseph Urban Papers. Series III: New York, 1912-1933, undated. Subseries III.5: Metropolitan Opera, 1917-1933. Pelléas et Mélisande, March 21, 1925 (1949). Box no. 22, Folder no. 1
- Date: undated (circa 1925)
438. Pelléas et Mélisande : libretto
Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918
- Name: Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918 (Composer)
- Collection Name: Joseph Urban Papers. Series III: New York, 1912-1933, undated. Subseries III.5: Metropolitan Opera, 1917-1933. Pelléas et Mélisande, March 21, 1925 (1949). Box no. 22, Folder no. 1
- Date: undated (early 20th century)
439. Per potere con quietezza, e sicurezza la Povera Universita Hebraicha di questa Citta servi umilissimi…
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 9 May 1715
440. Pianoforte Recital by Edward MacDowell, Program
- Collection Name: Edward MacDowell Papers
- Date: January 10, 1898
441. Pistolkors' Bill
Pistohlkors, Alexander Erikovich
- Name: Pistohlkors, Alexander Erikovich (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Soiuz Pazhei Records
- Date: 1905
442. Platform of the Union of Pages approved during their General Meeting on 12/25 December 1921 in Paris and Augmented and Revised at the General Meeting on 29 October 1933
Pazheskīĭ Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva korpus (Russia)
- Name: Pazheskīĭ Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva korpus (Russia) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Soiuz Pazhei Records
- Date: October 29, 1933 (29 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1933 g)
443. Porgy and Bess program
Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986
- Name: Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986 (Producer)
- Collection Name: Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Records, 1732-1995
- Date: circa 1942
444. Portfolio of Carnegie Libraries. Plate 5
Koch, T. W.
- Name: Koch, T. W. (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records
- Date: 1907
445. Pragmatica da osservarsi da gl'ebrei del ghetto d'Ancona
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1739
446. Presentation of Frederick Douglass' Pen at New York Public Library, 31 March [no year] : invitation
New York Public Library
- Name: New York Public Library (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Hubert H. Harrison Papers. Series VIII: Printed material. Sub-series 8.1: Broadsides, pamphlets, invitations, programs, etc.. Box no. Box 16, Folder no. Folder 34
- Date: March 31 [1893?-1927?]
447. Press release from Harper & Brothers for THE MYTH OF THE NEGRO PAST
Harper & Brothers
- Name: Harper & Brothers (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series II. Files on Microfilm. Subseries II.C: Carnegie-Myrdal Study, The Negro in America: Correspondence and research memoranda for use in the preparation of Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma 1939-1953. Herskovits, Melville
- Date: [March 1942?]
448. Press release from the City College, New York
College of the City of New York (1926-1961). City College
- Name: College of the City of New York (1926-1961). City College (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Simon Lissim Papers
- Date: 09/18/60
449. Private Instruction [by Hubert H. Harrison], undated : circular
Harrison, Hubert H.
- Name: Harrison, Hubert H. (Author)
- Collection Name: Hubert H. Harrison Papers. Series VIII: Printed material. Sub-series 8.1: Broadsides, pamphlets, invitations, programs, etc.. Box no. Box 16, Folder no. Folder 35
- Date: 1893-1927
450. Privilegj concessi da diversi sommi pontefici all'Università degl'ebrei, turchi, Greci ed altrimercanti levantini nella città di Ancona
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1738
451. Pro Universitate Hæbreorum cum Interssatis in Ghetto Civitatis Ferrariæ Iuris Allegationes
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1688
452. Program, Concert at the Metropolitan Opera House
Boston Symphony Orchestra
- Collection Name: Edward MacDowell Papers
- Date: January 23, 1896
453. Program for Anniversary Lectures at Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series III. Grants. III.A. Grant files, ca.1911-1988. Box no. 74
- Date: [1939]
454. The Program. Metropolitan Opera House. Grand Opera season 1925-1926
Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.) (Creator,Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Joseph Urban Papers. Series III: New York, 1912-1933, undated. Subseries III.5: Metropolitan Opera, 1917-1933. Der Barbier von Bagdad (Barber of Bagdad), November 7, 1925 (1926). Box no. 22, Folder no. 2
- Date: November 16, 1925
455. The Program. Metropolitan Opera House. Grand Opera season 1925-1926
Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.) (Creator,Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Joseph Urban Papers. Series III: New York, 1912-1933, undated. Subseries III.5: Metropolitan Opera, 1917-1933. La Vestale, November 12, 1925 (1927). Box no. 22, Folder no. 3
- Date: December 7, 1925
456. Program of Competitions of the 11th of August 1916 Starting at 5 pm of the Imperial Corps of Pages
- Collection Name: Soiuz Pazhei Records
- Date: August 11, 1916 beginning at 5 pm
457. Program of Fedor Shaliapin's American tour
- Collection Name: Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler Papers, ca. 1870-1950
- Date: between 1907 and 1938
458. Program of Free Public Lectures of the Board of Education, 1-8 October 1927 : broadside
New York (N.Y.). Board of Education
- Name: New York (N.Y.). Board of Education (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Hubert H. Harrison Papers. Series VIII: Printed material. Sub-series 8.1: Broadsides, pamphlets, invitations, programs, etc.. Box no. Box 16, Folder no. Folder 36
- Date: October 1-8, 1927
459. Program of the Naval Cadet Corps Choir on December 13 1902
- Collection Name: Soiuz Pazhei Records
- Date: December 13, 1902
460. Program of Works by Young American Composers, recto
League of Composers (U.S.)
- Name: League of Composers (U.S.) (Issuing body)
- Collection Name: Ulysses Kay Papers
- Date: 02/15/42
461. Program suggestions for World Peace. Cover page
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Name: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs Records
- Date: [between 1925 and 1961]
462. Programme: Boston Grand Opera Company in Conjunction with the Pavlowa Imperial Ballet Russe
Boston Grand Opera Company
- Date: 1915 to 1916
463. Project Vote Smart: Exercise Your Right
Project Vote Smart
- Name: Project Vote Smart (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 13
- Date: [between 1992 and 1997]
464. Promotional circular from Harper & Brothers advertising AN AMERICAN DILEMMA and related Carnegie-Myrdal Study publications
Tead, Ordway, 1891-1973
- Name: Tead, Ordway, 1891-1973 (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series II. Files on Microfilm. Subseries II.C: Carnegie-Myrdal Study, The Negro in America: Correspondence and research memoranda for use in the preparation of Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma 1939-1953. 1944-
- Date: [January 1944?]
465. Protective Urges, Working with the Feelings of Parents and Caregivers
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 17
- Date: [1996]
466. The Quartette of Hell : poem by Joe Simms, undated : broadside
Simms, Jos.
- Name: Simms, Jos. (Author)
- Collection Name: Hubert H. Harrison Papers. Series VIII: Printed material. Sub-series 8.1: Broadsides, pamphlets, invitations, programs, etc.. Box no. Box 16, Folder no. Folder 37
- Date: 1893-1927
467. Radio Address of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins
Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965
- Collection Name: Frances Perkins Papers
- Date: July 30, 1937
468. Ralph S. Mouse
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 19
- Date: 1991
469. Reading Rainbow: Sam the Sea Cow
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York (Producer)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records. Series XI. Audio Visual Materials. XI.C. Grantees. Box no. 10
- Date: 1992
470. Réception que Donneront Les Archives Internationales de la Danse (A.I.D.) en l'Honneur de l'Éminent Créateur de la Chorégraphie Moderne, M. Michel Fokine: Invitation
Archives internationales de la danse
- Date: Jeudi 21 Décembre 1933
471. Regola da osservarsi dalli tassatori et altri della natione hebrea di Ferrara
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1683
472. A Reply to "Nigger Heaven," 10 September 1926 : broadside [Hubert H. Harrison lecturer]
Harrison, Hubert H.
- Collection Name: Hubert H. Harrison Papers. Series VIII: Printed material. Sub-series 8.1: Broadsides, pamphlets, invitations, programs, etc.. Box no. Box 16, Folder no. Folder 38
- Date: 10 September 1926
473. Rinovatione dell bando che gli Hebrei non venghino molestati
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1720
474. Rinovatione dell bando che gli Hebrei non venghino molestati
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1655
476. Romana Praetensarum Pensionum Quoad Tempus Vacuitatis Domus
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1786
477. Roosevelt I Knew
Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965
- Collection Name: Frances Perkins Papers
- Date: 1946
478. Roosevelt’s Supreme Council: An “Alien-Star� Revolutionary-Power in Control of Washington New Deal Political Policies
Edmondson, Robert Edward, 1872-
- Collection Name: Frances Perkins Papers
- Date: November 15, 1935
479. Royal Opera House, Convent Garden, LTD. Presents the Royal Ballet
Royal Opera House (London, England)
- Date: 1963