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61. Contract for "The Psycho-Analytic Problem of the War"
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939
- Date: October 10, 1921
64. Czar Nicholas II with his family
K. E. von Gan & Co.
- Name: K. E. von Gan & Co. (Photographer)
- Collection Name: Soiuz Pazhei Records
- Date: 07/17/1906
66. Daguerreotype portrait of Alexander Anderson
Plumbe, John, 1809-1857
- Name: Plumbe, John, 1809-1857 (Photographer)
- Date: circa 1846
67. Daguerreotype portrait of Edgar Allan Poe
Pratt, William A., 1818-1879
- Name: Pratt, William A., 1818-1879 (Photographer)
- Date: September, 1849
68. De arbore consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognitionis spiritualis
Giovanni d'Andrea, approximately 1270-1348
- Name: Giovanni d'Andrea, approximately 1270-1348 (Author)
- Collection Name: Manuscript Collection (Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary)
- Date: 11/24/1483
70. De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem
Tagliacozzi, Gaspare, 1545-1599
- Name: Tagliacozzi, Gaspare, 1545-1599 (Author)
- Collection Name: Jerome P. Webster Library of Plastic Surgery
- Date: 1597
71. De l'Auscultation Médiate, ou Traité du Diagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur fondé principalement sur ce Nouveau Moyen d'Exploration.
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826
- Name: Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826 (Author)
- Date: 1819
72. De motu cordis & sanguinis in animalibus, anatomica exercitatio
Harvey, William, 1578-1657
- Name: Harvey, William, 1578-1657 (Author)
- Date: 1639
73. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum
Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330
- Name: Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330 (Author)
- Collection Name: Phoenix Collection
- Date: 1516
74. De re aedificatoria
Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472
- Name: Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472 (Author)
- Date: 1485
76. De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius
Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798
- Name: Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798 (Author)
- Date: 1791
77. The Deaconess in the Ancient and Medieval Church: A Study in the History of Christian Institutions
Briggs, Emilie Grace
- Name: Briggs, Emilie Grace (Author)
- Collection Name: Emilie Grace Briggs Papers
- Date: 1913-1925
78. Deed (Gramota)
Remizov, Alekseĭ, 1877-1957
- Name: Remizov, Alekseĭ, 1877-1957 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Nikolai Vasil'evich Zaretskii Papers
- Date: 04/24/1932
80. Detail drawing of decorative window, Earle C. Anthony House, Los Angeles
Greene & Greene
- Name: Greene & Greene (Designer)
- Collection Name: Greene & Greene architectural drawings, papers and photographs
- Date: 1913
81. Diarium commentarium vitae Alexander Anderson
Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870
- Name: Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870 (Author)
- Date: 1793-1799
82. Diary, Rapid Transit System of New York
Parsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932
- Name: Parsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932 (Author)
- Date: 1900-1904
84. Doctor Bard's Lectures upon the Palsey
Graham, James G.
- Name: Graham, James G. (Creator)
- Collection Name: Graham Family Papers
- Date: 02/11/1774
85. Doctrinale
Alexander, de Villa Dei
- Name: Alexander, de Villa Dei (Author)
- Collection Name: Van Ess Collection
- Date: before 1463
86. Document pertaining to a plot of land
Nevins, Joannes, 1627-before 1672
- Name: Nevins, Joannes, 1627-before 1672 (Autographer)
- Collection Name: Van Cortlandt Family Papers
- Date: 07/06/1658
87. Doorknob, Guaranty Building
Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924
- Name: Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924 (Designer)
- Collection Name: Louis Henry Sullivan collection
- Date: 1895
88. Draft notes of reply to F. D. Roosevelt on her nomination to the Cabinet
Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965
- Name: Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965 (Author)
- Collection Name: Frances Perkins Papers
- Date: circa February 25, 1933
89. Draft of medical diploma of Robert Tucker
King’s College (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: King’s College (New York, N.Y.) (Degree granting institution)
- Collection Name: Columbia College Records
- Date: 05/05/1770
90. Drawing, Dowling Theater, Times Square, New York City
Kahn, Ely Jacques, 1884-1972
- Name: Kahn, Ely Jacques, 1884-1972 (Designer)
- Collection Name: Kahn & Jacobs Architectural Drawings and Papers
- Date: circa 1944-1947
91. Drawing for a proposed new lobby, Audubon Ballroom, New York City
Lamb, Thos. W. (Thomas White), 1871-1942
- Name: Lamb, Thos. W. (Thomas White), 1871-1942 (Designer)
- Collection Name: Thomas W. Lamb and John J. McNamara Architectural Records
- Date: 1930
92. Drawing for Dater House, Montecito, California
Guastavino, Rafael, 1842-1908
- Name: Guastavino, Rafael, 1842-1908 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company Architectural Records
- Date: 1917
93. Drawing for Doorknob, Guaranty Building, Buffalo, New York, 1895
Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924
- Name: Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924 (Designer)
- Collection Name: Frank Lloyd Wright Collection of Louis Henry Sullivan Drawings
- Date: 1895
94. Drawing of dining room, Dana House, Springfield, Illinois
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959
- Name: Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 (Architect)
- Date: 1902-1904
95. Drawings for unbuilt church in Brooklyn Heights, 1840
Lafever, Minard
- Name: Lafever, Minard (Artist)
- Date: 1840
98. Early draft of The Eclipse of May 29, 1919 [The Rose Tattoo]
Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983
- Name: Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983 (Author)
- Collection Name: Tennessee Williams Papers
- Date: circa 1948
100. Elevazione ortografica della Tribuna, e del Presbiterio della Basilica Lateranense
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778
- Name: Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778 (Designer)
- Date: circa 1767
101. Enchiridion peri synallagmatikon
Kalognomos, Georgios
- Name: Kalognomos, Georgios (Author)
- Date: 1841
102. Executive Order, Equal Opportunity in Housing
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
- Name: Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 (Autographer)
- Collection Name: Whitney M. Young, Jr. papers
- Date: 11/27/1962
104. Facta et dicta memorabilia
Valerius Maximus
- Name: Valerius Maximus (Author)
- Collection Name: Gonzalez Lodge Collection
- Date: middle of 15th century
105. Federalist Number 5
Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Name: Jay, John, 1745-1829 (Author)
- Collection Name: John Jay papers
- Date: 1788
106. Feldtbuch der Wundartzney
Gersdorff, Hans von, -1529
- Name: Gersdorff, Hans von, -1529 (Author)
- Date: 1528
107. First and Chief Grovndes of Architectvre vsed in all the auncient and famous monymentes: with a farther & more ample discouse vyppon the same, than hitherto hath been set out by any other. Pvblished by Ihon Shute, Paynter and Archytecte
Shute, John, -1563
- Name: Shute, John, -1563 (Author)
- Date: 1563
108. First Tony award for Best Book (Musical), 1949
- Collection Name: Samuel and Bella Spewack Papers
- Date: 1949
109. Fortune Theatre Model
Maginnis, James P.
- Name: Maginnis, James P. (Creator)
- Collection Name: Dramatic Museum Realia
- Date: circa 1912
110. Frank Lloyd Wright
Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, 1856-1934
- Name: Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, 1856-1934 (Author of introduction etc)
- Date: 1921
111. Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851
- Name: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 (Author)
- Collection Name: Jack Harris Samuels Library
- Date: 1818
113. Gebote Gottes den Herm - Die X Gebothe Gottes, in Musik gesetzt als Canons von Joseph Hayden (Eigenthum der herausgeber) [The Ten Commandments]
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
- Name: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 (Composer)
- Date: circa 1810
114. Genji monogatari kogetsu shō (The Tale of Genji)
Kitamura, Kigin, 1625-1705
- Name: Kitamura, Kigin, 1625-1705 (Editor)
- Date: 1673
115. Gold double-band wedding ring of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, and wedding handkerchiefs of Alexander and Elizabeth Hamilton, 1780
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804
- Name: Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 (Former owner)
- Collection Name: Hamilton Family Papers
- Date: 1780
117. Grant of the monastery of San Salvador de Cornellana to Cluny
- Collection Name: Smith Documents
- Date: March 7, 1122 CE
118. Harlan Fiske Stone with his law clerks
Edmonston Studio
- Name: Edmonston Studio (Photographer)
- Collection Name: Harlan Fiske Stone Papers
- Date: 1938
120. Historique et description des procédés du daguerréotype et du diorama
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 1787-1851
- Name: Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 1787-1851 (Author)
- Collection Name: Epstean Collection
- Date: 1839