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201. Qin ding gu jin tu shu ji cheng
Chen, Menglei, 1651-
- Name: Chen, Menglei, 1651- (Author)
- Date: circa 1890
202. Quran: 3rd section, in muhaqqaq script with Persian interlinear translation
- Name: Mes'ud (Calligrapher)
- Collection Name: Smith Oriental Manuscripts
- Date: 657 A. H. (1259 CE)
203. Recollections of Xian Incident [Review]
Zhang, Xueliang, 1901-2001
- Name: Zhang, Xueliang, 1901-2001 (Author)
- Collection Name: Peter H.L. and Edith Chang Papers
- Date: 05/10/1946
204. Records of College Donations, New York
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
- Name: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 (Author)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records
- Date: 1886-1930
205. Reminiscences, 1900-1917 [Fragment of a memoir]
Taube, M. A. (Mikhail Aleksandrovich), baron, 1869-1961
- Name: Taube, M. A. (Mikhail Aleksandrovich), baron, 1869-1961 (Author)
- Collection Name: Mikhail Aleksandrovich Taube Papers
- Date: 1954
206. Renati Des-Cartes Musicae compendium
Descartes, René, 1596-1650
- Name: Descartes, René, 1596-1650 (Author)
- Date: 1650
207. Reports of cases adjudged in the Superior Court of Connecticut; with some determinations in the Supreme Court of Errors
Kirby, Ephraim, 1757-1804
- Name: Kirby, Ephraim, 1757-1804 (Compiler)
- Date: 1789
208. Ritual Grain Vessel (gui)
- Name: Unknown (Artist)
- Collection Name: Sackler Collections at Columbia University
- Date: 771-476 B.C.E.
209. The Roman Hat Mystery: A Problem in Deduction
Dannay, Frederic, 1905-1982
- Name: Dannay, Frederic, 1905-1982 (Author)
- Collection Name: Frederic Dannay Papers
- Date: 1929
210. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Stoppard, Tom
- Name: Stoppard, Tom (Author)
- Collection Name: House of Books Ltd. Records
- Date: circa 1967
211. Rumanian Folk Music
Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945
- Name: Bartók, Béla, 1881-1945 (Transcriber)
- Collection Name: Béla Bartók Manuscripts
- Date: circa 1942
212. School for Scandal
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
- Name: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 (Author)
- Date: late 18th or early 19th century
213. Self-portrait, 1924
Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939
- Name: Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Arthur Rackham Papers
- Date: 1924
214. A Series of Calotype Views of St. Andrews
Hill, David Octavius, 1802-1870
- Name: Hill, David Octavius, 1802-1870 (Photographer)
- Date: 1846
215. Seven Storey Mountain
Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968
- Name: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968 (Author)
- Collection Name: Thomas Merton Papers
- Date: 1948
216. Sexual Politics [Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D.]
Millett, Kate
- Name: Millett, Kate (Author)
- Date: 1970
217. Sharakan
Armenian Church
- Name: Armenian Church (Author)
- Collection Name: Armenian Manuscripts Collection Manuscript Collection (Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary)
- Date: 1646
218. Sidereus nuncius
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642
- Name: Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642 (Author)
- Collection Name: David Eugene Smith Library
- Date: 1610
219. Silver presentation cup
Tiffany and Company
- Name: Tiffany and Company (Creator)
- Collection Name: Edward MacDowell Papers
- Date: 1904
220. Sketch of original plans for United Nations building
Harrison and Abramovitz
- Name: Harrison and Abramovitz (Architect)
- Collection Name: Wallace K. Harrison Architectural Drawings and Papers
- Date: 1947
221. Sketchbook for A Midsummer Night's Dream, ca. 1908
Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939
- Name: Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Arthur Rackham Papers
- Date: 1908
222. South African treason trial: R. v. Adams and others
Adams, Faried
- Name: Adams, Faried (Other)
- Date: 1959-1960
223. A Specimen by W. Caslon, Letter-Founder, Ironmonger-Row, Old-Street, London
Caslon, William, 1693-1766
- Name: Caslon, William, 1693-1766 (Type designer)
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1734
224. Specimen copy of the Kelmscott Chaucer
Kelmscott Press
- Name: Kelmscott Press (Binding designer)
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1896
225. Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae
Lafréry, Antoine, 1512-1577
- Name: Lafréry, Antoine, 1512-1577 (Engraver)
- Date: 16th-18th century
226. Standing Bodhisattva
- Name: Unknown (Artist)
- Collection Name: Sackler Collections at Columbia University
- Date: 12th century CE
227. Statement on Nuremberg Trials for the International News Service
Taylor, Telford
- Name: Taylor, Telford (Author)
- Collection Name: Telford Taylor Papers
- Date: 05/09/1949
228. Surrender on Demand
Fry, Varian, 1907-1967
- Name: Fry, Varian, 1907-1967 (Author)
- Collection Name: Varian Fry Papers
- Date: circa 1942-1945
229. Syongdo mallyŏn pulgasari chyŏn (The account of a pulgasari in the last years of Songdo)
- Name: Yŏngsŏn (Author)
- Date: circa 1936
230. Teikoku kenpō, Kōshitsu tenpan gige [Commentaries on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and Imperial ordinance]
Itō, Hirobumi, 1841-1909
- Name: Itō, Hirobumi, 1841-1909 (Author)
- Collection Name: Toshiba Library for Japanese Legal Research
- Date: circa 1889
232. Tender Buttons, Objects, Food, Rooms
Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946
- Name: Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946 (Author)
- Collection Name: Overbury Collection
- Date: 1914
233. Tentamen novae theoriae musicae
Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783
- Name: Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783 (Author)
- Date: 1739
234. Tenures
Littleton, Thomas, Sir, -1481
- Name: Littleton, Thomas, Sir, -1481 (Author)
- Collection Name: Krulewitch Collection
- Date: 1557
235. Theatrvm orbis terrarvm
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598
- Name: Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 (Editor)
- Date: 1570
236. Three Mysterious Fires: Commentary on Monte -Snyder's Tractatus de Medicina Universali
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
- Name: Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 (Author)
- Collection Name: David Eugene Smith Historical Papers
- Date: after 1678
238. Tile made for Dater House
Guastavino, Rafael, 1842-1908
- Name: Guastavino, Rafael, 1842-1908 (Creator)
- Collection Name: Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company Architectural Records
- Date: 1917
239. Tōkaidō Gojūsantsugi no uchi: Fujikawa (Fifty-three stations of the Tōkaidō: Fujikawa station)
Andō, Hiroshige, 1797-1858
- Name: Andō, Hiroshige, 1797-1858 (Woodcutter)
- Date: 1833
240. Totem und Tabu
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939
- Name: Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 (Author)
- Collection Name: Freud Library
- Date: circa 1912-13
241. Trinity Church perspective view
Upjohn, Richard, 1802-1878
- Name: Upjohn, Richard, 1802-1878 (Architect)
- Collection Name: Upjohn Collection of Architectural Drawings by Richard, Richard Michell, and Hobart Upjohn :Architectural Drawings, Papers, and Records
- Date: circa 1840
242. Twenty Years at Hull-House with Autobiographical Notes ... with Illustrations by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House, Chicago
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
- Name: Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 (Author)
- Collection Name: Overbury Collection
- Date: 1910
244. Typed letter, signed, to Robert A. Franks
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
- Name: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 (Correspondent)
- Collection Name: Carnegie Corporation of New York Records
- Date: 09/01/1910
245. Typed letter, signed, to Stanford White, with initial sketch of Low Library
McKim, Charles Follen, 1847-1909
- Name: McKim, Charles Follen, 1847-1909 (Architect)
- Collection Name: Stanford White Correspondence and Architectural Drawings
- Date: 07/24/1894
246. Ueber die Localisationen der Gehirn-Krankheiten
Charcot, J. M. (Jean Martin), 1825-1893
- Name: Charcot, J. M. (Jean Martin), 1825-1893 (Author)
- Collection Name: Freud Library
- Date: 1878
247. Ulysses
Joyce, James, 1882-1941
- Name: Joyce, James, 1882-1941 (Author)
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1930
248. Underweysung der Messung
Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528
- Name: Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528 (Author)
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1525
249. United States Custom House
Davis, Alexander Jackson, 1803-1892
- Name: Davis, Alexander Jackson, 1803-1892 (Architect)
- Collection Name: Alexander Jackson Davis Architectural Drawings and Papers
- Date: circa 1834
250. Untitled
Marii͡a, matʹ, 1891-1945
- Name: Marii͡a, matʹ, 1891-1945 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Mother Mariia Papers
- Date: circa 1930s
251. Untitled, 1974
Lichtenstein, Roy, 1923-1997
- Name: Lichtenstein, Roy, 1923-1997 (Artist)
- Date: 1974
252. V den' imenin (On Your Namesake Day)
Marlinskiĭ, A. (Aleksandr), 1797-1837
- Name: Marlinskiĭ, A. (Aleksandr), 1797-1837 (Author)
- Collection Name: Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev Poem, 1828 or 1829
- Date: 05/18/1829
253. Various & Valuable Sketches and Designs of Buildings
Wright, Thomas, 1711-1786
- Name: Wright, Thomas, 1711-1786 (Architect)
- Date: 1746-1754
255. Views in Central Park, New York
Prang, Louis, 1824-1909
- Name: Prang, Louis, 1824-1909 (Artist)
- Date: 1863-1869
257. Wellingtons-Sieg, oder: Die Schlacht bey Vittoria. In Musik gesetzt ... 91tes Werk
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
- Name: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 (Composer)
- Collection Name: Anton Seidl Collection of Musical Papers
- Date: 1816
258. Whittier Perkins' Yankee Doodle: A Collection of Dancing Tunes, Marches & Song Tunes, ca. 1778-1788
- Date: circa 1778-1788
259. Wood engraving of garden-house scene, signed in the block "AA"
Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870
- Name: Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870 (Wood engraver)
- Date: 1800
260. Working notes and outline for Invisible Man
Ellison, Ralph
- Name: Ellison, Ralph (Author)
- Collection Name: Random House Records
- Date: 1952
261. X-ray photograph of lead shot in hand
Pupin, Michael, 1858-1935
- Name: Pupin, Michael, 1858-1935 (Creator)
- Collection Name: Michael Idvorsky Pupin Papers
- Date: 1896
262. Yantraraja
Jai Singh II, Maharaja of Jaipur, 1686-1743
- Name: Jai Singh II, Maharaja of Jaipur, 1686-1743 (Associated name)
- Collection Name: David Eugene Smith Library
- Date: circa 1693-1743
263. The Yellow Wall Paper
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935
- Name: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935 (Author)
- Collection Name: Overbury Collection
- Date: 1899
265. Yume no ukihashi (Bridge of dreams)
Utagawa, Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861
- Name: Utagawa, Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861 (Artist)
- Date: 1845-1846