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103. The Island World of the Pacific: Being the Personal Narrative and Results of Travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, and Other Parts of Polynesia
Cheever, Henry T. (Henry Theodore), 1814-1897
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1851

106. Journal of John Woolman: With an Introduction by John G. Whittier
Woolman, John, 1720-1772
- Date: 1871

108. King Sham, and Other Atrocities in Verse; Including a Humorous History of the Pike's Peak Excitement
Greenleaf, Lawrence N. (Lawrence Nichols)
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1868

111. The Lands of the Saracen; or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain
Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878
- Date: 1855

112. The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death
Livingstone, David, 1813-1873
- Collection Name: Phoenix Collection
- Date: 1874

113. The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Illustrated by One Hundred Engravings on Wood from Drawings by Birket Foster and John Gilbert
Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
- Date: 1854

114. Lays of Love and Faith. With Other Fugitive Poems
Bethune, George W. (George Washington), 1805-1862
- Date: 1847

117. Lectures on Language, as Particularly Connected with English Grammar. Designed for the Use of Teachers and Advanced Learners
Balch, William Stevens, 1806-1887
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1838

120. The Life and Adventures, Songs, Services, and Speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly: (47th Regiment, New York Volunteers) "The Post of Honor Is the Private's Station"; With Comic Illustrations by Mullen; From the Authentic Records of the New York Herald
Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1864

122. The Life of Harman Blennerhassett: Comprising an Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition: and Containing Many Additional Facts Not Heretofore Published
Safford, William H. (William Harrison), 1821-1903
- Date: 1850

123. The Life of Hon William F. Cody Known as Buffalo Bill, the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide
Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917
- Date: 1879

124. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune
Parton, James, 1822-1891
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1855

128. The Little Robinson Crusoe
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1843

129. A Little Tour in Ireland
Hole, S. Reynolds (Samuel Reynolds), 1819-1904
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1859

131. Lottie Eames; or, "Do Your Best, and Leave the Rest"
Humphrey, Lizbeth Bullock, 1841-
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1876

139. The Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the Indians of North and South America
Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860
- Date: 1856

140. The Marriage Ring: or How to Make Home Happy. From the Writings of John Angell James
James, John Angell, 1785-1859
- Date: 1846

141. Martin's System of Practical Penmanship Taught in 24 Lessons at His Writing and Book Keeping Academy, No. 182 Main Street, Worcester, Mass.
Martin, E. T.
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1848

143. Memoir of Sarah B. Judson of the American Mission to Burmah
Judson, Emily C. (Emily Chubbuck), 1817-1854
- Date: 1852

144. More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands, from 1862 to 1882
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
- Date: 1884

145. Mrs. Barbauld and Her Contemporaries; Sketches of Some Eminent Literary and Scientific Englishwomen
Murch, Jerom, Sir, 1807-1895
- Date: 1877

149. The Ocean and Its Wonders
Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1874

150. The Odd-Fellows' Offering, for 1854. Contributed Chiefly by Members of the Order. With Elegant Illustrations
Walker, Edward, 1804-1879
- Date: 1854

152. The Olive Fairy Book
Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1907

156. Paper-Folding Machinery Manufactured and Sold by Chambers Brothers Company
Chambers Brothers
- Date: circa 1888

157. Past Meridian
Sigourney, L. H. (Lydia Howard), 1791-1865
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1854

158. The Payson, Dunton, & Scribner Manual of Penmanship. P., D., & S. Authors: J. W. Payson, S. Dunton, W. M. Scribner, G. H. Shattuck, A. S. Manson
Payson, J. W. (Jesse Wentworth)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1873

159. Peg Woffington, by Charles Reade. With an introduction by Austin Dobson and illustrations by Hugh Thomson
Reade, Charles, 1814-1884
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1899

160. Peter Drake's Dream, and Other Stories
Howitt, Mary Botham, 1799-1888
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1865

161. The Philipena, or Friendship's Token: A Present for All Seasons
G.W. Cottrell & Co.
- Date: circa 1850s

162. Philipena, or Friendship's Token: A Present for All Seasons
Howland, S. A. (Southworth Allen), 1800-1882
- Date: 1848

163. Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques
Derby, George Horatio, 1823-1861
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1856

165. The Playmate: a Pleasant Companion for Spare Hours
Wm. Crosby & H.P. Nichols (Firm)
- Date: September 1847-May 1848

167. Poems
Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1851

168. The Poems of the Hon. Mrs. Norton, with a Notice of the Author by Rufus W. Griswold
Norton, Caroline Sheridan, 1808-1877
- Date: 1853

170. Prairie Songs: Being Chants Rhymed and Unrhymed of the Level Lands of the Great West
Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940
- Date: 1893

172. The Printer Boy: or, How Ben Franklin Made His Mark. An Example for Youth.
Thayer, William M., 1820-1898
- Date: 1861

173. Puss in Boots, and the Marquis of Carabas: A Pure Translation from the Original German
Speckter, Otto, 1807-1871
- Date: 1853

175. The Red Book of Animal Stories
Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912
- Collection Name: Historical Collection of Children's Literature
- Date: 1899

176. Retiring from Business; or, The Rich Man's Error
Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1857

179. The Rose of Sharon: a Religious Souvenir, for MDCCCXLVIII
Mayo, Sarah C. Edgarton (Sarah Carter Edgarton), 1819-1848
- Date: 1848

182. Sacred Scenes and Characters
Headley, J. T., 1813-1897
- Collection Name: Park Benjamin Book Collection
- Date: 1850

184. The Scouring of the White Horse; or, The Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk
Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896
- Date: 1859

185. Seasons with the Sea-Horses; or, Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas
Lamont, James, 1828-1913
- Date: 1861

188. Sense, or Saturday-Night Musings and Thoughtful Papers
Pomeroy, Mark M. (Mark Mills), 1833-1896
- Date: 1868

191. Sheridan's Troopers on the Borders: a Winter Campaign on the Plains
Keim, De B. Randolph (De Benneville Randolph), 1841-1914
- Date: 1870

192. So Much of the Diary of Lady Willoughby, as Relates to Her Domestic History, and to the Eventful Period of the Reign of Charles the First
Rathbone, Hannah Mary, 1798-1878
- Date: 1845

197. The Story of Rosina and Other Verses
Dobson, Austin, 1840-1921
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1895

198. Strikers, Communists, Tramps and Detectives
Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884
- Collection Name: Seligman Books
- Date: 1878

199. A Summer at Baden-Baden
Guinot, Eugène, 1812-1861
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1853