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241. The Academy of Music Montague Street, Brooklyn
McCloskey, Henry
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1863]
- Item in Context:
242. Academy of the Sacred Hearts, N.Y. City
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
243. Accomplishment : being a pictorial presentation
Shroder & Koppel, Inc
- Name: Shroder & Koppel, Inc
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [192-?]
244. [Account book covering personal expenses between October 14, 1896 and June 2, 1903]
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1896-1903]
245. An account of the European settlements in America : in six parts ... each part contains an accurate description of the settlements in it, their extent, climate, productions, trade, genius and disposition of their inhabitants, the interests of the several powers of Europe with respect to those settlements and their political and commercial views with regard to each other : in two volumes
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797
- Name: Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1757
246. An account of the malignant fever, lalely [sic] prevalent in the city of New-York. : Containing I. A narrative of its rise, progress and decline, with the opinions of some medical gentlemen, with respect to its origin, &c. II. The manner in which the poor were relieved during this awful calamity. III. A list of the donations, which have been presented to the committee for the relief of the sick and indigent. IV. A list of the names of the dead, arranged in alphabetical order, with their professions or occupations, and as far as was practicable to obtain information, the names of the countries of which they were natives. V. A comparative view of the fever of the year 1798, with that of the year 1795
Hardie, James, 1758-1826
- Name: Hardie, James, 1758-1826
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1799
247. An account of the New York hospital
Society of the New York Hospital
- Name: Society of the New York Hospital
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1811
248. An account of the State prison or penitentiary house, in the city of New-York
Eddy, Thomas, 1758-1827
- Name: Eddy, Thomas, 1758-1827
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1801
249. Account of the terrific and fatal riot at the New-York Astor Place Opera House, on the night of May 10th, 1849; with the quarrels of Forrest and Macready, including all the causes which led to that awful tragedy! Wherein an infuriated mob was quelled by the public authorities and military, with its mournful termination in the sudden death or mutilation of more than fifty citizens, with full and authentic particulars
H.M. Ranney (Firm)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1849
250. The Acre of Gardens of London Terrace in Old Chelsea New York City
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: Postmark date: 1944
- Item in Context:
251. Across City Hall Park Toward Woolworth Bldg., N. Y. C.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
252. Across the ferry: first impressions of America and its people
Macaulay, James, 1817-1902
- Name: Macaulay, James, 1817-1902
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1871
254. The act of incorporation, with the ordinances and by-laws of the University of the City of New York, 1849
University of the City of New York
- Name: University of the City of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1849
255. An act to establish a metropolitan police district and to provide for the government thereof
New York (State)
- Name: New York (State)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1857
256. An act to incorporate the New York Bridge Company, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a bridge over the East River, between the cities of New York and Brooklyn
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1867?]
257. An act to incorporate the Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York for charitable purposes : passed the 14th of March, 1792
General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York
- Name: General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1792]
258. An act to reduce the several acts relating to the district courts in the city of New York into one act : passed April 13, 1857, three-fifths being present
New York (N.Y.). Board of Aldermen
- Name: New York (N.Y.). Board of Aldermen
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1857?]
259. An act to regulate the ferry between the city of New-York and the island of Nassau, and to establish the ferriage thereof
New York (Colony)
- Name: New York (Colony)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 193-?]
260. An Act to re-organize the local government of the city of New-York : proposed charter submitted to the Legislature of the state of New York, by the Citizens' Association, January, 1872
Citizens' Association of New York
- Name: Citizens' Association of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1872
261. Actors Home, West Brighton, S. I.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
262. Actors' Home. West Brighton, Staten Island.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: Postmark date: 1906
- Item in Context:
263. Adam J. Stahle Prop. Diamond Point Hotel and Pier Canarsie L. I.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
264. Adams Building, 61 Broadway, New York City
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: Postmark date: 1917
- Item in Context:
265. Adams Building, New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
266. Adams Building, N.Y.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
267. Adams Express Building, New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: Postmark date: 1926
- Item in Context:
268. Adams Express Building, New York City
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
269. [Adaptation by Ogg FitzGerald of his sketches]
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
270. Additional Buffalo imprints, 1812-1849
McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1888-1944
- Name: McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1888-1944
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1936
271. Additional Geneva imprints, 1815-1849
McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1888-1944
- Name: McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1888-1944
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1936
272. An address by the Hon. Robert F. Wagner, Mayor, the City of New York before the Committee for Modern Zoning
New York (N.Y.). Committee for Modern Zoning
- Name: New York (N.Y.). Committee for Modern Zoning
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1960]
273. An address delivered at the celebration by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the two hundredth birth day of Mr. William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing into the middle colonies of British America
Wallace, John William, 1815-1884
- Name: Wallace, John William, 1815-1884
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1863
274. An address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Medical Department of Columbia College, New-York : at the spring commencement, March 14, 1862
Brown, D. Tilden
- Name: Brown, D. Tilden
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1862
275. An address delivered before the New-York Historical Society : at the celebration of its seventy-second anniversary, Tuesday, December 19, 1876
De Peyster, Frederic, 1796-1882
- Name: De Peyster, Frederic, 1796-1882
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1876
276. An address delivered before the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York
Beekman, James W. 1815-1877
- Name: Beekman, James W. 1815-1877
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1870
277. Address delivered by Abram S. Hewitt on the occasion of the opening of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24th, 1883
Hewitt, Abram S. 1822-1903
- Name: Hewitt, Abram S. 1822-1903
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1883
278. Address delivered on the 138th anniversary of the battle of Fort Washington at St. Paul's Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York
Geer, William Montague, 1848-
- Name: Geer, William Montague, 1848-
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1914
279. Address in commemoration of the inauguration of George Washington as first President of the United States, delivered before the two houses of Congress, December 11, 1889
Fuller, Melville Weston, 1833-1910
- Name: Fuller, Melville Weston, 1833-1910
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1890
280. The address of Charles E. West : on retiring from the office of principal of Rutgers Female Institute
West, Charles E
- Name: West, Charles E
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1851
281. Address of the Citizens' Association of New-York, to the public : history of its work : the Department of Docks : the Department of Health : interesting information for merchants and tax-payers
Citizens' Association of New York
- Name: Citizens' Association of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1871]
282. The address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in vindication of the policy of the framers of the Constitution and the principles of the Republican party, delivered at Cooper Institute, February 27th, 1860, issued by the Young Men's Republican Union ... with notes by Charles C. Nott & Cephas Brainerd
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Name: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1860
283. An address of the trustees of the Public School Society in the city of New-York, to their fellow citizens, : respecting the extension of their public schools
Public School Society of New-York
- Name: Public School Society of New-York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1828
284. An address, pronounced at the opening of the New-York Athenaeum, December 14, 1824
Wheaton, Henry, 1785-1848
- Name: Wheaton, Henry, 1785-1848
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1825
285. An address to the benefactors and friends of the Free School Society of New-York : delivered on the opening of that institution, in their new and spacious building, on the eleventh of the twelfth month (December) 1809
Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828
- Name: Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1810
286. Address to the Board of directors delivered April 12th, 1878, on the completion of the first quarter century of the Home Insurance Company, with the addresses delivered to the Board on the tenth and twentieth anniversaries
Home Insurance Company
- Name: Home Insurance Company
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1878
287. An address to the citizens of New York : who assembled in the Brick Presbyterian church, to celebrate the twenty-third anniversary of American independence
Mitchill, Samuel L. 1764-1831
- Name: Mitchill, Samuel L. 1764-1831
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1800
288. [Address to the Fort Washington chapter of the D.A.R., Feb. 21, 1912, concerning General Washington and his battles in the Revolutionary War]
Stegman, F.L., Mrs
- Name: Stegman, F.L., Mrs
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1912
289. Address to the people of the city of New-York by the Citizens' Association of New-York : adopted at a general meeting held May 9th, 1871 : the amendments to the city charter, the two per cent. act, the debt
Citizens' Association of New York
- Name: Citizens' Association of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1871]
290. An address to the people of the state of New-York on the subject of the Constitution : agreed upon at Philadelphia, the 17th of September, 1787
Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Name: Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1888?]
291. Addresses at the inauguration of Mr. Charles King as president of Columbia college, New-York, on Wednesday, November 28, 1849, in the college chapel. Printed for the college
Columbia University
- Name: Columbia University
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1849
292. Addresses at the University Convocation in honor of the Right Honorable Winston Churchill, March 18, 1946
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1946]
293. Addresses delivered at the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the village and town of Southampton : June 12th, 1890
Southampton (N.Y.)
- Name: Southampton (N.Y.)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1890
294. Addresses delivered February 17th, 1920, and historical sketch prepared to commemorate the semi-centenary of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1870-1920
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Name: Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1921?]
295. Addresses of the special committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, on customs revenue reform, delivered June 4, 1877, at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Before the commission appointed to investigate the New York Custom House
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1877
296. Adee Park east of Botanical Garden, Bronx Park : Borough of the Bronx, New York City
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1906]
- Item in Context:
297. Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
298. Adelphi College, St. James & Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context:
299. Adelphi Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: Postmark date: 1909
- Item in Context:
300. A.D.Matthews' Sons, Brooklyn's Oldest Business House More Than 50 Stores Under One Roof Established 1837
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Item in Context: