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1. Adam Purple and the Garden of Eden
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 1 January 2002

2. Aftermath of Terror II
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 25 September 2001

3. Against George Galloway
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 15 March 2011

4. Alternative Voices on Cuba
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 6 July 1992

5. Anarchist Roots of Pacifica
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 13-14 March 2001

6. Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation IV
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 4 March 2003

7. BBC panel on Lionel Trilling, undated
- Collection Name: Diana Trilling oral history collection
- Date: undated

9. Bikes for Chiapas
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 30 March 1999

11. Bureau of Applied Social Research study 1970
Columbia University. Bureau of Applied Social Research
- Name: Columbia University. Bureau of Applied Social Research
- Collection Name: Columbia Crisis of 1968 project
- Date: 1970

12. Can Art and Hollywood Coexist radio program, circa 1958-1959
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: circa 1958-1959

13. Casa del Sol
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 15-16 May 2001

14. Caste and Casting radio program, circa 1958-1959
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: circa 1958-1959

15. Children's Hospital in Lillemosegord circa 1967-1973
Lippman, Leopold D
- Collection Name: Leopold Lippman oral history collection
- Date: circa 1967-1973

16. Chris Carlsson's Nowtopia
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 3 June 2008

18. Columbia Concerned Parents Meeting 1968
Columbia Concerned Parents (Organization)
- Name: Columbia Concerned Parents (Organization) (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Columbia Crisis of 1968 project
- Date: 1968

19. Copacabana Ball
Iorio, Thomas
- Name: Iorio, Thomas (Filmmaker,Speaker)
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: October 9, 1995

20. CounterSpin radio show on Washington Press Club women in journalism project, circa 1994
- Collection Name: Washington Press Club women in journalism oral history collection
- Date: circa 1994

21. Critical Mass Under Attack IV
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 8 May 2007

22. Cuba's Bicycle Revolution
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 4 May 1993

23. Darryl Cherney & the Stuggle for the Redwoods
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 26 November 1996

24. Day in NYC
Iorio, Thomas
- Name: Iorio, Thomas (Filmmaker)
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: November 28, 1995

25. The Day the Screen Screamed radio program, 1958
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: 1958

26. Debate between Caldwell Esselstyn and Edward Annis, 1967
Esselstyn, Caldwell Blakeman, 1903-1975
- Name: Esselstyn, Caldwell Blakeman, 1903-1975 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Social security project
- Date: 1967

27. Debate between Ivan Nestingen and Edward Annis 1967
Nestingen, Ivan A. (Ivan Arnold), 1921-1978
- Name: Nestingen, Ivan A. (Ivan Arnold), 1921-1978 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Social security project
- Date: 1967

28. Dictated notes of Isabel Grossner on Spencer Foundation project 1984
Grossner, Isabel S
- Name: Grossner, Isabel S (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Spencer Foundation project
- Date: 1984

29. Dissident Voices from Iraq III
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 20 July 2004

30. Elephant Talk
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 1 February 2011

32. The Film Factories Revisited radio program, 1959
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: 1959

33. Forum I: Columbia University School of Journalism lecture on journalism in the 1960s, 1963
Frankel, Charles, 1917-1979
- Name: Frankel, Charles, 1917-1979 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Journalism lectures (C) project
- Date: 1963

34. Forum II: Columbia University School of Journalism lecture on journalism in the 1960s, 1963
Lerner, Max, 1902-1992
- Name: Lerner, Max, 1902-1992 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Journalism lectures (C) project
- Date: 1963

35. Free Somaliland
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 21 April 2009

36. Frogs Matter
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 4 April 2006

37. From Baghdad to Tokyo
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 7 February 2006

38. From Baghdad to Tokyo II
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 14 June 2007

39. From Chiapas to Morocco
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 6 June 2001

40. From Chiapas to Morocco IV
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 16 July 2002

41. From Colombia to Algeria
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 17 May 2005

42. From Darfur to Mauritania
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 19 September 2006

43. Gay and Homeless in Greenwich Village: Sylvia Rivera Gives a tour to Randy Wicker and Tom
Rivera, Sylvia, 1951-2002
- Name: Rivera, Sylvia, 1951-2002 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: September 21, 1995

44. Gay Pride 1995
Iorio, Thomas
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: 1995

45. Gay Pride Parade 1995
Wicker, Randy
- Name: Wicker, Randy (Filmmaker,Interviewer)
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: 1995

46. Gendering Statistics discussion circa 1999-2006
- Collection Name: United Nations intellectual history project (UNIHP)
- Date: circa 1999-2006

47. Halloween 1995
Iorio, Thomas
- Name: Iorio, Thomas (Filmmaker,Speaker)
- Collection Name: Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Thomas Iorio Stonewall Vets video recordings. Box no. OHAC C14
- Date: October 31, 1995

49. Hollywood is a Dirty Word radio program, circa 1958-1959
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: circa 1958-1959

50. The Hollywood Tycoons radio program, circa 1958-1959
- Collection Name: Popular arts project
- Date: circa 1958-1959

51. Homage to Matoub Lounes II
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 24 June 2008

52. Irving Howe Memorial, 1993
Bromwich, David, 1951-
- Name: Bromwich, David, 1951- (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Arguing the World oral history collection
- Date: 1993

53. Isabelle Shelton memorial service, 1993
- Collection Name: Washington Press Club women in journalism oral history collection
- Date: 1993

54. Jeanette Rankin Remembered
Weinberg, Bill
- Name: Weinberg, Bill (Host)
- Collection Name: Bill Weinberg sound recordings
- Date: 10 June 2003

55. Kilkenny Association of Parents and Friends question period 1967
Lippman, Leopold D
- Collection Name: Leopold Lippman oral history collection
- Date: 1967

57. Lecture by Allan Nevins and Mort Lewis, 1969
Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971
- Name: Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Allan Nevins project
- Date: 1969

58. Lecture by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, circa 1964
Moynihan, Daniel P. (Daniel Patrick), 1927-2003
- Name: Moynihan, Daniel P. (Daniel Patrick), 1927-2003 (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: circa 1964

59. Lecture by Diana Trilling, 1985
Trilling, Diana
- Name: Trilling, Diana (Lecturer)
- Collection Name: Diana Trilling oral history collection
- Date: 1985

60. Lecture by Eduard Lindeman, 1952
Lindeman, Eduard
- Name: Lindeman, Eduard (Interviewee)
- Collection Name: Individual interviews oral history collection
- Date: 1952