Guide to the nature treasures of New York City; American Museum of Natural History, New York Aquarium, New York Zoölogicl Park and Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Museum, Botanic Garden and Children's Museum
- Neighborhood
- Borough
- City
- Address
- 200 Central Park West; 2300 Southern Boulevard; 2900 Southern Blvd; 200 Eastern Pkwy; 990 Washington Ave; 145 Brooklyn Ave
- Coordinates
- 40.78131172444047,-73.97225418170498; 40.70344,-74.016802; 40.8506691045,-73.8824199533; 40.8656314719,-73.8833985899; 40.6719005047,-73.9633702789; 40.6672146363,-73.9617291183; 40.6747722016,-73.9444636186
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- Title
- Guide to the nature treasures of New York City; American Museum of Natural History, New York Aquarium, New York Zoölogicl Park and Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Museum, Botanic Garden and Children's Museum
- Name
- Pindar, George N
Pearson, Mabel H
Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 - Published
- Pub. for the American Museum of Natural History by C. Scribner's Sons: New York. 1917
- Physical Description
- x, 269, [1] p. illus. (incl. plans) pl. 18 cm.
- Subjects
- American Museum of Natural History.
- New York Aquarium.
- New York Zoological Park.
- New York Botanical Garden.
- Brooklyn Museum.
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
- Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Children's Museum.
- American Museum of Natural History
- New York Aquarium
- New York Zoological Park
- New York Botanical Garden
- Brooklyn Museum
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden
- Brooklyn Children's Museum
- Format
- books
- Online
- click here for full-text
- Catalog Record
- check availability