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1. The Indians of Greater New York and the lower Hudson
- Published: Published by order of the Trustees [of the American Museum of Natural History]: New York. 1909
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
2. The Indians of Manhattan Island and vicinity
Skinner, Alanson, 1886-1925
- Name: Skinner, Alanson, 1886-1925
- Published: American Museum of Natural History: New York. [1921?]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
3. Jobs and housing : a two year study of employment and housing opportunities for racial minorities in suburban areas of the New York metropolitan region, conducted under a grant provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Final summary report on the housing component
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing
- Name: National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing
- Published: New York. 1972
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
4. Jobs and housing; a study of employment and housing opportunities for racial minorities in the suburban areas of the New York metropolitan region. An interim report on the first year's findings of a two-year study
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing
- Name: National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing
- Published: New York. 1970
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
5. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on examination and survey of Arthur Kill, or Staten Island Sound, New York and New Jersey
Root, Elihu, 1845-1937
- Name: Root, Elihu, 1845-1937
- Published: G.P.O: Washington, D.C. 1900]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

6. Map of the city and county of New York : with the adjacent country
Burr, David H., 1803-1875
- Name: Burr, David H., 1803-1875
- Published: s.n: New York. 1829]
- Format: maps
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

7. Map of the country twenty-five miles round the city of New-York
Burr, David H., 1803-1875
- Name: Burr, David H., 1803-1875
- Published: David H. Burr: New York. 1831
- Format: maps
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
8. Memo on the structural concept of the New York Metropolitan Region
- Published: [publisher not identified]: New York?. [1958]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
9. New York planning review
- Published: American Institute of Planners, New York Metropolitan Chapter: New York. Between 1957 and 1975
- Format: periodicals
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
10. Projections for the New York urban region's 31 counties, 1985, 2000 : population, employment, households, income
Regional Plan Association (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: Regional Plan Association (New York, N.Y.)
- Published: The Association: New York. 1973
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
11. Zoning practice in the New York region; comprising a series of aids to the practice of zoning, a statement regarding the application of zoning in New York City, and a model state enabling act with annotations
Bassett, Edward M. 1863-1948
- Name: Bassett, Edward M. 1863-1948
- Published: Regional Plan of New York and its Environs: New York. 1925
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
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