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1. History and reminiscences of lower Wall Street and vicinity
Wakeman, Abram
- Name: Wakeman, Abram
- Published: Spice Mill: New York. 1914
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

2. The story of a street : a narrative history of Wall Street from 1644 to 1908
Hill, Frederick Trevor, 1866-1930
- Name: Hill, Frederick Trevor, 1866-1930
- Published: Harper: New York. 1908
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
3. Inside life in Wall Street : or, How great fortunes are lost and won, with disclosures of doings and dealings on C̕hange
Fowler, William Worthington, 1833-1881
- Name: Fowler, William Worthington, 1833-1881
- Published: Dustin, Gilman & Co: Hartford. 1874
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

4. Men and mysteries of Wall street
Medbery, James K. 1838-1873
- Name: Medbery, James K. 1838-1873
- Published: Fields, Osgood & co: Boston. 1870
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
5. Wall street speculation: its tricks and its tragedies, a lecture
Keyes, Franklin C
- Name: Keyes, Franklin C
- Published: Columbia Pub. Co: Oneonta, N.Y. 1904
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

6. The work of Wall Street
Pratt, Sereno Stansbury, 1858-1915
- Name: Pratt, Sereno Stansbury, 1858-1915
- Published: D. Appleton and Co: New York. 1903
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

7. Wall Street in 1850
- Published: D. Appleton and Company: New York. c1899
- Format: ephemera
- Catalog Record: check availability

9. The early history of Wall street; 1653-1789
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949
- Name: Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949
- Published: G.P. Putnam's Sons: New York. [1897]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
16. Twenty years among the bulls and bears of Wall street
Smith, Matthew Hale, 1810-1879
- Name: Smith, Matthew Hale, 1810-1879
- Published: J. B. Burr & company: Hartford. 1870
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
18. Wall Street in history
Lamb, Martha J. 1829-1893
- Name: Lamb, Martha J. 1829-1893
- Published: Funk & Wagnalls: New York. 1883
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
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