[Document, 1752 February 19]
- Title
- [Document, 1752 February 19]
- Library Location
- Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
- Name
- Van Cortlandt, Frederick (Author)
- Banyer, Goldsborough (Addressee)
- Format
- correspondence
- Digital Project
- Papers of John Jay
- Date
- February 19, 1752
- Language
- English
- Physical Description
- 1 page
- Subjects
- United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Summary
- Approval of will of Frederick Van Cortlandt in Westchester County. Administration and possession of all his goods went to Frances Van Cortlandt, his widow.
- Identifier
- columbia.jay.10296