[Document, 1665 April 08]
- Title
- [Document, 1665 April 08]
- Library Location
- Name
- Nicolls, Richard, 1624-1672 (Author)
- Format
- correspondence
- Digital Project
- Papers of John Jay
- Date
- April 08, 1665
- Language
- English
- Physical Description
- 5 pages
- Subjects
- United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Jay, John, 1745-1829
- Summary
- Grants and confirms to William Goulding et al. all the land at Sandy Hook brought from the Sachems. Patentees should settle on the land within the space of three years, cultivate it, and settle one hundred families on it. At the end of seven years, those in possession of the land should pay at the rate customary within the territories of the Duke of York. The settlers shall have liberty of worship, and, if they see cause, liberty to elect by majority vote six or more persons from among their number to make laws and constitutions for the government of the inhabitants, provided that these laws are not contrary to the laws of England. Those elected shall have jurisdiction over criminal matters to the amount of ten pounds, but all exceeding that must be referred to the Assizes at New York. From the New York Secretary's Office, Lib. Patents. I, 24f. Entered before the Commission to settle the boundary between New York and New Jersey 11 August 1769.
- Identifier
- columbia.jay.12214