Lindquist, G. E. E. (Gustavus Elmer Emanuel), 1886-1967 (Former owner)
Government Indian Day Schoool and Shaker Church Building, Chehalis Reservation
Collection Name
Gustavus Elmer Emanuel Lindquist Papers
Archival Context
Series 8: Special Formats, 1909-1953. Subseries 8A: Photographs, 1909–1953. Box no. 59, Folder no. 752, Item no. 1429, Folder title: Oregon Indians; Group title: Chemawa Indians
Church buildings; Missions; Chehalis Indians; Architecture, Domestic; School buildings; Indians of North America; Education; Chehalis Reservation (Wash.); Washington (State); Heck, Peter; Shakers
between 1912 and 1953
Physical Description
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Note (Date note)
Date based on the earliest and latest dates of the Lindquist collection.
A portrait of Peter Heck in part of the University of Washington's digital collection "American Indians of the Pacific Northwest"
Recto annotation: Top image: The Government Indian Day School on the Chehalis Indian Reservation, with the house of Peter Heck, the Bishop (so styled) of the Indian Shaker Church, lives, in background. Bottom image: The Shaker Indian Church on the Che halis Indian Reservation. The tower is in the rear of the building the "back" is the "front". In poor state of repair.
Verso annotation: Oregon
Library Location
Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University
Persistent URL