Forest Hills South "Suburban Apartment Colony" 77th Avenue and 113th Street to Grand Central Parkway Extension, Forest Hills, L.I.
- Neighborhood
- Borough
- City
- Address
- 77 Avenue and 113 Street
- Coordinates
- 40.716813,-73.8327472
- Title
- Forest Hills South "Suburban Apartment Colony" 77th Avenue and 113th Street to Grand Central Parkway Extension, Forest Hills, L.I.
- Library Location
- Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University
- Architect
- Birnbaum, Philip
- Owner/Agent
- Forest Hills South, Inc.
- Call Number
- YR.0493.QNS
- Format
- pamphlets
- City
- New York (N.Y.)
- Digital Project
- New York Real Estate Brochures
- Collection
- New York Real Estate Brochure Collection
- Date
- [192--197-]
- Shelf Location
- Item no. 2, Call no. YR.0493.QNS.002
- Identifier
- nyre_item_044266; cd0f327c-96bc-45b9-bde8-0a043e8670ad
- doi:10.7916/D8J97KJZ