Oral history interview with Frances Perkins, 1955
- Name
- Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965 (Interviewee)
- Albertson, Dean, 1920- (Interviewer)
- Title
- Oral history interview with Frances Perkins, 1955
- Other Titles
- Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1955
- Abstract
- An extended memoir dealing in particular with the following: Mt. Holyoke College; social work in Chicago and Philadelphia; New York: Consumers' League, 54-hour bill, Triangle fire, Factory Investigation Commission, 1909-10; womans' suffrage, 1905-10; New York State Legislature, 1910-13; Mayor John P. Mitchel's administration, 1913-17; art and literature; Committee on Safety; World War I; New York I ndustrial Commission; Democratic National Convention, 1920; Merchants Association; Spargo Wire Company strike; Alfred E. Smith as Governor; Democratic National Convention, 1924; Mayor James Walker and Tammany Hall; workmen's compensation, 1922-28; New York election of 1926; labor unions and labor legislation; election of 1928; Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt; New York Labor Department; unemployment, 1929-32; New York election of 1930; Samuel Seabury Investigation; election of 1932; women and careers; Secretary of Labor, 1933-45; inauguration, 1933; the cabinet; reorganizing the Department of Labor; press and congressional relations; General Pelham Glassford and migrant labor; Black bill; relief; Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Works Progress Administration; Russian recognition; New York election of 1934; background of National Recovery Administration; Title II; administrative committees; Section 7(a) and textile code; coal and steel codes; Atlanta speech; National Labor Relations Board; Avondale strike; automobile workers; Toledo strike; Akron sitdown strike; General Motors strike, 1937; steel strike; San Francisco longshoremen's strike; election of 1936; Walsh-Healy Act; Schechter case; Supreme Court fight; Communist Party; outbreak of World War II; third term issue; election of 1940; cabinet reorganization; Department of Labor preparing for war; Advisory Commission to the Council for National Defense; Lend-Lease; Cabinet Propaganda Committee; Pearl Harbor; labor and manpower in wartime; President Harry Truman; Civil Service Commission, International Labor Office. There is only extant audio for a few segments of the interview. These audio segments correspond to the following page ranges: 77-114, 148-160, 191-206, and 4705-4707
- Collection Name
- Individual interviews oral history collection
- Subjects
- Women social reformers; Women in politics; Government executives--United States; Strikes and lockouts--United States; New Deal, 1933-1939; Labor unions; World War, 1939-1945; United States Economic policy 1933-1945; United States Politics and government 1901-1953; United States Public welfare 20th century; United States Social conditions 20th century; New York (State) Politics and government 1865-1950; Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965; Democratic Party (U.S.); United States. Dept. of Labor
- Format
- oral histories
- Genre
- Interviews
- Date
- 1955
- Physical Description
- 5,566 pages
- Note (Biographical)
- Government executive; interviewee married Paul Wilson
- Note (Funding)
- Digital reproduction funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Note
- Digitized by Safe Sound Archive, Philadelphia, 2010
- Interviewed by Dean Albertson on May 24, 1955
- This interview is featured in Columbia University Libraries’ Notable New Yorkers website. Notable New Yorkers was a project of Columbia University Libraries Digital Program. The original website was developed by Columbia University Digital Knowledge V entures and published in 2006
- Language
- English
- Library Location
- Columbia Center for Oral History, Columbia University
Browse Location’s Digital Content - Catalog Record
- 7144689
- Also In
- Oral History Archives at Columbia
- Time-Based Media
- Time-Based Media
- Persistent URL
- https://dx.doi.org/10.7916/d8-3cmk-kj98
- Related URLs
- Available digital content for this interview.