Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965 (Interviewee)
Albertson, Dean, 1920- (Interviewer)
Oral history interview with Frances Perkins, 1955
Other Titles
Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1955
An extended memoir dealing in particular with the following: Mt. Holyoke College; social work in Chicago and Philadelphia; New York: Consumers' League, 54-hour bill, Triangle fire, Factory Investigation Commission, 1909-10; womans' suffrage, 1905-10; New York State Legislature, 1910-13; Mayor John P. Mitchel's administration, 1913-17; art and literature; Committee on Safety; World War I; New York I ndustrial Commission; Democratic National Convention, 1920; Merchants Association; Spargo Wire Company strike; Alfred E. Smith as Governor; Democratic National Convention, 1924; Mayor James Walker and Tammany Hall; workmen's compensation, 1922-28; New York election of 1926; labor unions and labor legislation; election of 1928; Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt; New York Labor Department; unemployment, 1929-32; New York election of 1930; Samuel Seabury Investigation; election of 1932; women and careers; Secretary of Labor, 1933-45; inauguration, 1933; the cabinet; reorganizing the Department of Labor; press and congressional relations; General Pelham Glassford and migrant labor; Black bill; relief; Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Works Progress Administration; Russian recognition; New York election of 1934; background of National Recovery Administration; Title II; administrative committees; Section 7(a) and textile code; coal and steel codes; Atlanta speech; National Labor Relations Board; Avondale strike; automobile workers; Toledo strike; Akron sitdown strike; General Motors strike, 1937; steel strike; San Francisco longshoremen's strike; election of 1936; Walsh-Healy Act; Schechter case; Supreme Court fight; Communist Party; outbreak of World War II; third term issue; election of 1940; cabinet reorganization; Department of Labor preparing for war; Advisory Commission to the Council for National Defense; Lend-Lease; Cabinet Propaganda Committee; Pearl Harbor; labor and manpower in wartime; President Harry Truman; Civil Service Commission, International Labor Office. There is only extant audio for a few segments of the interview. These audio segments correspond to the following page ranges: 77-114, 148-160, 191-206, and 4705-4707
Collection Name
Individual interviews oral history collection
Women social reformers; Women in politics; Government executives--United States; Strikes and lockouts--United States; New Deal, 1933-1939; Labor unions; World War, 1939-1945; United States Economic policy 1933-1945; United States Politics and government 1901-1953; United States Public welfare 20th century; United States Social conditions 20th century; New York (State) Politics and government 1865-1950; Perkins, Frances, 1880-1965; Democratic Party (U.S.); United States. Dept. of Labor
oral histories
Physical Description
5,566 pages
Note (Biographical)
Government executive; interviewee married Paul Wilson
Note (Funding)
Digital reproduction funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Digitized by Safe Sound Archive, Philadelphia, 2010
Interviewed by Dean Albertson on May 24, 1955
This interview is featured in Columbia University Libraries’ Notable New Yorkers website. Notable New Yorkers was a project of Columbia University Libraries Digital Program. The original website was developed by Columbia University Digital Knowledge V entures and published in 2006
Library Location
Columbia Center for Oral History, Columbia University
Browse Location’s Digital Content
Catalog Record
Also In
Oral History Archives at Columbia
Time-Based Media
Time-Based Media
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