Childhood: Bristol, Connecticut; family reminiscences; undergraduate studies, music and mathematics, Smith College, 1942-1944; marriage to Preston Rogers Bassett, Jr., raising family, Bennington, Vermont, Pearl River, New York; early Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] impressions: general assistant 1956; social atmosphere; director’s administrative assistant, 1958: impressions of director’s of fice daily operations; organizing shuttle service between LDEO and Columbia University [CU]; Doherty Foundation endowment; founding of Lamont Bulletin; marriage to Dr. E. Maurice Ewing, LDEO director, 1965; gatekeeping to director’s office; LDEO impressions: work, lack of tenure positions, relations with press; reminiscences of Ewing: childhood in Texas, health, social life; Australian trip, 1965; colleague reminiscences, international visitors: effect of guest quarters establishment; LDEO funding: loss of block grants, conflicts with CU, organized fundraising; classified government contracts controversy, late 1960s; Sterling Forest initiative;; departure from LDEO, move to Galveston, Texas; Ewing’s death.