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1. Aepitoma Omnis Phylosophiae, Alias, Margarita Phylosophica
Reisch, Gregor, -1525
- Name: Reisch, Gregor, -1525 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1504
- Item in Context:
2. Algorithmus Integrorum cum Probis Annexis
Widmann, Johannes, approximately 1460-approximately 1500
- Name: Widmann, Johannes, approximately 1460-approximately 1500 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1490-1495
- Item in Context:
5. Antiphonal : Manuscript
Niccolò di ser Sozzo Tegliacci, active 1334-1363
- Name: Niccolò di ser Sozzo Tegliacci, active 1334-1363 (Artist,Attributed name)
- Date: 1340-1360
7. Ars Grammatica
Diomedes (Grammarian), active 4th century
- Name: Diomedes (Grammarian), active 4th century (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1475
- Item in Context:
8. Ars Minor
Donatus, Aelius
- Name: Donatus, Aelius (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1502
- Item in Context:
9. Ars Minor
Donatus, Aelius
- Name: Donatus, Aelius (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1458-1460
- Item in Context:
10. Ars Minor
Donatus, Aelius
- Name: Donatus, Aelius (Author)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1458-1460
13. Bible. Polyglot. Complutensian.
Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco, 1436?-1517
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1514-1517
14. Bible. Polyglot. Complutensian.
Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco, 1436?-1517
- Name: Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco, 1436?-1517 (Patron)
- Collection Name: Book Arts Collection
- Date: 1517
15. Book of Hours, use of Paris
Chief Associate of Maître François, active 1480-1498
- Name: Chief Associate of Maître François, active 1480-1498 (Artist)
- Collection Name: Phoenix Collection
- Date: circa 1485
17. Carmina sacra varu idiomatis variique argumeti
- Collection Name: X Manuscripts Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Date: 1685
18. Child’s Primer
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Second half of the 15th century
- Item in Context:
19. Commentaries on Aristotle
Nicolas d'Orbelles
- Name: Nicolas d'Orbelles (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1478
- Item in Context:
20. Commentarius in Ciceronis pro Milone
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Name: Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Early 16th century
- Item in Context:
21. Comoediae. Comm: Aelius Donatus and in part J. Calphurnius
- Collection Name: Incunabula Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Date: 1492-1493
22. Computus cum Commento
- Name: Anianus (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1490
- Item in Context:
23. De civitate dei
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Name: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo (Author)
- Date: October 2, 1475
24. De Constructione
Priscian, active approximately 500-530
- Name: Priscian, active approximately 500-530 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Second half of the 13th century
- Item in Context:
25. De Disciplina Scholarium
- Name: Pseudo-Boethius (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: February 1, 1491
- Item in Context:
26. De Educatione Puerorum ad Regem Bohemiae Ladislaum
Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464
- Name: Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: circa 1470
- Item in Context:
27. De Institutione Arithmetica
Boethius, -524
- Name: Boethius, -524 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: May 20, 1488
- Item in Context:
28. De Institutione Musica
Boethius, -524
- Name: Boethius, -524 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Second half of 12th century
- Item in Context:
29. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum
Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330
- Name: Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330 (Author)
- Collection Name: Phoenix Collection
- Date: 1516
32. De Rhetorica Seu de Arte Dicendi Libri Tres, Graecolat
- Name: Aristotle (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1619
- Item in Context:
33. De Sphaera Mundi
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, active 1230
- Name: Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, active 1230 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: End of the 15th century
- Item in Context:
34. De Verborum Copia
- Name: Pseudo-Seneca (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Third quarter of the 15th century
- Item in Context:
35. Draft of medical diploma of Robert Tucker
King’s College (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: King’s College (New York, N.Y.) (Degree granting institution)
- Collection Name: Columbia College Records
- Date: 05/05/1770
36. Drafts of loan records, many pertaining to Jews
- Collection Name: Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Date: before 1387
37. Editto Alessandro del Titolo de Santi Quattro Coronati della Santa Romana Chiesa...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1732
38. Editto Alessandro del Titolo de' Santi Quattro Coronati della S.R.C. Prete Card. Aldobrandini...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1733
39. Editto Gio.Fran: del Titolo di S. Adriano della S.R.C. Diacono Card. Banchieri...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1754
40. Editto Nicolo Cardinale Acciaioli della Città, e Ducato di Ferrara de Latere Legato, &c
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1671
41. Editto per le Feste, e Spolalizj degli Ebrei. Francesco del Titolo di S. Clemente della S.R.C. Prete Card. Carafa...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1783
42. Editto Scipione del Titolo di S. Maria Sopra Minerva, della S.R. Chiesa Prete Cardinal Borghese della Città di Ferrara...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1773
43. Editto Scipione del Titolo di S. Maria Sopra Minerva, della S.R.C. Prete Cardinal Borghese della città di Ferrara
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1774
45. Editto Sopra Li Ebrei Gio: Francesco del Titolo di S.Adriano della S.R.C. Diacono Card. Banchieri nella Città...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1754
46. Editto Sopra li ebrei Marcello del Titolo di S. Maria in Traspontina della S.R.C. Prete Card. Crescenzi...
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1762
47. Elementa
- Name: Euclid (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: End of the 14th century
- Item in Context:
48. Elementa Geometriae
- Name: Euclid (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: May 25, 1482
- Item in Context:
49. Eminentissimo e Reurendissimo Signore
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1710
50. Etymologiarum Libri
Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636
- Name: Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: End of the 12th century
- Item in Context:
51. Familiarium Colloquiorum Formulae, in Graciam Juventutis Recognite ab Erasmo Roterdamo
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536
- Name: Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1520
- Item in Context:
53. Ferrarien. Praetense Restrictionis Ghetti, & Reductionis Pensionum
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 17th century
54. Ferrarien. Restrictionis Ghetti
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1694
58. Grammatica Latina Philippi Melanchthonis
Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560
- Name: Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1528
- Item in Context:
59. Grant of the monastery of San Salvador de Cornellana to Cluny
- Collection Name: Smith Documents
- Date: March 7, 1122 CE
60. Guillelmi Lilij Angli Rudimenta
Lily, William, 1468?-1522
- Name: Lily, William, 1468?-1522 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: circa 1525?
- Item in Context:
63. In Nomine Domini Amen. Praesenti publico Instrumento, cunestis vbique patear, euidenter, & sit notum…
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1674
64. Jacques Cesbron
Cesbron, Jacques
- Name: Cesbron, Jacques (Choreographer)
- Collection Name: Arthur Mitchell Collection. Series: Recordings. Subseries: Video Recordings. Box no. 115, Item no. 62
- Date: undated (between 1953-2018)
65. Lali - Magnificat etc
Delano, Jack
- Collection Name: Jack and Irene Delano papers. Series I: Audiovisual. Subseries I.4: Personal. Box no. AV 15
- Date: undated (between 1940 and 1997)
66. Latin Grammar
Priscian, active approximately 500-530
- Name: Priscian, active approximately 500-530 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: Third quarter of the 15th century
- Item in Context:
67. Latin Grammar
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: In or after 1467
- Item in Context:
68. Latin grammar playing cards
- Collection Name: Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards
- Date: circa 1650
69. Letter, 1519, from Prior General Bernardino Landucci to the Prioress and Sisters of the Hospital of St. Mary in Mechelen
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1519
70. Liber mahometi de Algebra
Khuwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsá, active 813-846
- Name: Khuwārizmī, Muḥammad ibn Mūsá, active 813-846 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: circa 1456
- Item in Context:
71. Margarita Philosophica
Reisch, Gregor, -1525
- Name: Reisch, Gregor, -1525 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1503
- Item in Context:
72. Margarita Philosophica
Reisch, Gregor, -1525
- Name: Reisch, Gregor, -1525 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1508
- Item in Context:
76. Mysterium Cosmographicum
Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630
- Collection Name: David Eugene Smith Library
- Date: 1621
77. Nichomachean Ethics, Politics
- Name: Aristotle (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1393
- Item in Context:
78. Nova demonstratio immobilitatis terrae petita ex virtvte magnetica
Grandami, Jacques, 1588-1672
- Date: 1645
79. Observate ex Immanuelis
Tremellius, Immanuel, 1510-1580
- Collection Name: X Manuscripts Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Date: 1568
80. Orbis sensualium pictus
Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670
- Name: Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670 (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1672
- Item in Context:
82. Papal bull, 1225, Feb. 24, Pope Honorius III to hospital in Mechelen
Catholic Church. Pope (1216-1227 : Honorius III)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1225
83. Papal bull, 1246, Dec. 4, Pope Innocent IV to the Hospital of Saint Mary in Mechelen
Catholic Church. Pope (1243-1254 : Innocent IV)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1246
84. Papal Bull, 1288 November 13, from Pope Nicholas IV to the Dean of the Church of Lier
Catholic Church. Pope (1288-1292 : Nicholas IV)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1288
85. Papal bull, 1310 December 9, from Pope Clement V to the dean of the Church of St. Mary in Antwerp
Catholic Church. Pope (1305-1314 : Clement V)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1310
86. Papal bull copy, 1246, Dec. 4, from Pope Innocent IV to the Hospital of Saint Mary in Mechelen
Catholic Church. Pope (1243-1254 : Innocent IV)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1305
87. Playing cards showing the geography of Europe
Seyfried, Johann Heinrich, approximately 1640-1715
- Collection Name: Albert Field Collection of Playing Cards
- Date: 1678
88. Pro Universitate Hæbreorum cum Interssatis in Ghetto Civitatis Ferrariæ Iuris Allegationes
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1688
89. Processional
Catholic Church
- Name: Catholic Church (Contributor)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1351
- Item in Context:
90. Processional : Manuscript, Flanders, 1351
Catholic Church
- Name: Catholic Church (Creator)
- Collection Name: George Arthur Plimpton Library
- Date: 1351
91. Psalterium Harmonicum
- Collection Name: X Manuscripts Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Date: 1692
92. Quadripartitum
Ptolemy, active 2nd century
- Name: Ptolemy, active 2nd century (Contributor)
- Collection Name: Incunabula
- Date: January 15, 1484
- Item in Context:
93. Recognition of status, 1230 Apr., from Bishop Godefridus to the hospital in Mechelen
Catholic Church. Diocese of Cambrai (France). Bishop (1220-1238 : Godefroid, de Fontaines)
- Collection Name: Mechelen Hospital Archive
- Date: 1230
94. Regola da osservarsi dalli tassatori et altri della natione hebrea di Ferrara
- Collection Name: Italian Jewish Community Regulations
- Date: 1683
95. Report concerning Jew Abraam Ansalonis, dated March 1484
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: March 1484
96. Report concerning Jew Cinquinus, dated 1479
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: 1479
97. Report concerning Jew Muzetus of Bologna, dated July 21, 1495
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: July 21, 1495
98. Report concerning Jew Salomon, Bartholomaeus Bassam, Baptista Thrazarolo, and Mathaeus, dated 1475
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: 1475
99. Report concerning Jews Rubinus and Salomone, undated
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: Late 15th century
100. Report concerning Petronius de Carinis and Jew Jacob from Bologna
- Collection Name: Archive of the Inquisition of Bologna Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection
- Date: 1497