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1. Addresses of the special committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, on customs revenue reform, delivered June 4, 1877, at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Before the commission appointed to investigate the New York Custom House
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1877

2. The charter and by-laws : with a history of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York : instituted April 5, 1768, incorporated March, 13, 1770, re-incorporated April 13, 1784
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1849
3. Colonial records of the New York Chamber of commerce, 1768-1784
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1867

4. Herbert H. Lehman Address City Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963
- Name: Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963 (Speaker)
- Collection Name: Herbert H. Lehman Papers. Series VIII. Media. Subseries VIII.1 Herbert H. Lehman--LP Records--12 inch. Box no. LP Box 4
- Date: 1937 October 7
5. Letter to the Chamber of Commerce relative to the water front of the city of New York
Stevens, Simon (Engineer)
- Name: Stevens, Simon (Engineer)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1885]
6. A letter to the New-York Chamber of Commerce on "discretionary power," : shewing "it cannot be entrusted to any one without danger of abuse," consequently the necessity and propriety of their prompt interference to have that "dangerous power" taken by law from the Inspector General of Pot and Pearl Ashes, his deputies, and all other inspectors of "provisions, produce, or merchandise," who may be found to possess it. : With an appendix, containing copies of "official" communications made to the "constituted authorities," on the "abuse of that power," and other defects in the inspection system, which have been, (in whole or in part) supressed by undue influence
Henry, Robert R., b. ca. 1769
- Name: Henry, Robert R., b. ca. 1769
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1830
7. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of New York relative to the defences of the harbor of said city
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1863]
8. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the city of New York : 24th January, 1803, referred to the committee of the whole House, to whom was committed on the 10th instant, a report of the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, on "so much of the message of the President of the United States, as relates to discriminating and countervailing duties, and the act of the British Parliament on that subject."
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1803
9. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York, praying for the removal of obstructions to navigation at Hell Gate, and in the harbor of New York
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1850?]
10. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce, of the city of New-York. : Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. January 24th, 1803
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1803]
11. A modern zoning resolution for the city of New York
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1959]

12. Opening of the building of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New-York and banquet in honor of the guests who attended the dedicatory ceremonies, November 11, 1902, together with a brief history of the Chamber from 1768 to 1902
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1902
13. Program study for the New York State Chamber of Commerce, Committee on Lower Manhattan Redevelopment, January 28, 1957
Pomeroy, Hugh R. 1899-1961
- Name: Pomeroy, Hugh R. 1899-1961
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1957
14. Rapid transit act approved by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York and now pending in the legislature of the State
New York (State)
- Name: New York (State)
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1894
15. Rapid transit in New York city and in other great cities
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1905
16. Report of a Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York, on the Battery extension. February 9, 1865
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1865

17. Report of the Joint Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of New York by the British, Monday, November 26th, 1883
Joint Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of New York by the British
- Name: Joint Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of New York by the British
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1885
18. Reports of the New York Harbor Commission, of 1856 and 1857
New York (State). Harbor Commission
- Name: New York (State). Harbor Commission
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: 1864
19. Supplement to the Catalogue of portraits in the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
New York Chamber of Commerce
- Name: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Collection Name: Seymour B. Durst Old York Library Collection
- Date: [1941]