New York and Brooklyn
- Neighborhood
- Borough
- City
- Coordinates
- 40.7902780,-73.9597220; 40.7269054,-74.0771036; 40.6525390,-73.9461830; 40.7895630,-73.9251950; 40.6891580,-74.0169400; 40.7500000,-73.8666670; 40.6991780,-74.0396650; 40.810532,-73.9157; 40.743889,-74.0325
- Title
- New York and Brooklyn
- Name
- Mitchell, S. Augustus 1792-1868
Mitchell, S. Augustus, Jr - Published
- s.n.]: S.l. c1867
- Physical Description
- 1 map : hand col. ; 30 x 49 cm.
- Subjects
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) > Maps.
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) > Administrative and political divisions > Maps.
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) > Maps.
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) > Administrative and political divisions > Maps.
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.)
- Jersey City (N.J.)
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
- Randalls Island (N.Y.)
- Governors Island (New York County, N.Y.)
- Queens (New York, N.Y.)
- Ellis Island (N.J. and N.Y.)
- South Bronx (New York, N.Y.)
- Hoboken (N.J.)
- Format
- maps
- Online
- click here for full-text
- Catalog Record
- check availability