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1. 116th St. Station, Subway, N.Y. Columbia University
- Published: Koehler. Postmark date: 1906
- Format: postcards

2. 116th St. Station, Subway, N.Y. Columbia University
- Published: Koehler. Postmark date: 1907
- Format: postcards

3. 116th St. Station, Subway, N.Y. Columbia University.
- Published: Koehler. Postmark date: 1906
- Format: postcards

4. 116th St. Station, Subway, N.Y. Columbia University.
- Published: Koehler
- Format: postcards

5. 16 tax-exempt homes and last remaining 157 choice lots : "Bellaire Manor" Bellaire, New York City
- Published: William Kennelly, Inc: New York. [1926]
- Format: books
- Catalog Record: check availability

6. 1783 centennial 1883 Evacuation Day : November 25th
- Published: s.n: New York?. 1883?]
- Format: objects
- Catalog Record: check availability
7. 1815-1915 : official souvenir : celebration of the reconstructed Washington Market, Fulton, Vesey, Washington and West Streets : October twenty-fifth, nine hundred fifteen : under the auspices of Washington Market Merchants' Association, Inc., New York City
Washington Market Merchants' Association
- Name: Washington Market Merchants' Association
- Published: The Association: New York. 1915]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
8. The 1890-1891 New York calendar
New York Life Insurance Company
- Name: New York Life Insurance Company
- Published: New York Life Insurance Co: New York. c1889
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
9. 1914, New York's commercial tercentenary : a few historical events as given by historians compared with their actual occurrence
Lower Wall Street Business Men's Association (New York, N.Y.)
- Name: Lower Wall Street Business Men's Association (New York, N.Y.)
- Published: Press of Joseph D. McGuire: New York. [1914]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
10. The 1961 zoning
Friedman, Edwin
- Name: Friedman, Edwin
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
11. 1965 engagement calendar
- Published: Joly Calendar Co: New York. [1965]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

12. "21" [matchcover from the 21 Club, without matches]
21 (Restaurant : New York, N.Y.)
- Name: 21 (Restaurant : New York, N.Y.)
- Published: Universal Match: New York. [198u?]
- Format: objects
- Catalog Record: check availability

13. 2'eme vue de New York : arrivée du transatlantique 1820
LeBreton, Louis, 1818-1866
- Name: LeBreton, Louis, 1818-1866
- Published: Publisher not identified: Paris?. 1820?]
- Format: ephemera
- Catalog Record: check availability
14. 30 years of progress, 1934-1964 : Department of Parks : 300th anniversary of the City of New York : New York World's Fair
New York (N.Y.). Department of Parks
- Name: New York (N.Y.). Department of Parks
- Published: [publisher not identified]: New York?. [1964?]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

15. 300th anniversary of the founding of the town of New Towne, in commemoration of the granting of its first patent on March 28, 1642 under the auspices of Newtown Historical Society, 1642-1942
- Published: s.n: Newtown, N.Y. 1942]
- Format: books
- Catalog Record: check availability
16. The 300th anniversary of the Gravesend Reformed Church, 1655-1955
- Published: Brooklyn Eagle Press: Brooklyn, N.Y. [1955?]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
17. 87 years of vertical transportation with Otis elevators
Otis Elevator Company
- Name: Otis Elevator Company
- Published: Otis Elevator Co: New York. 1940]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability

18. The Academy of Music Montague Street, Brooklyn
- Published: Brooklyn, I. Van Anden. 1863]
- Format: ephemera
- Catalog Record: check availability
19. Accomplishment : being a pictorial presentation
Shroder & Koppel, Inc
- Name: Shroder & Koppel, Inc
- Published: Shroder & Koppel, Inc: New York. [192-?]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
20. [Account book covering personal expenses between October 14, 1896 and June 2, 1903]
- Published: New York. [1896-1903]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
21. An account of the malignant fever, lalely [sic] prevalent in the city of New-York. : Containing I. A narrative of its rise, progress and decline, with the opinions of some medical gentlemen, with respect to its origin, &c. II. The manner in which the poor were relieved during this awful calamity. III. A list of the donations, which have been presented to the committee for the relief of the sick and indigent. IV. A list of the names of the dead, arranged in alphabetical order, with their professions or occupations, and as far as was practicable to obtain information, the names of the countries of which they were natives. V. A comparative view of the fever of the year 1798, with that of the year 1795
Hardie, James, 1758-1826
- Name: Hardie, James, 1758-1826
- Published: Printed by Hurtin and M'Farlane, at the Literary Printing Office, no. 29 Gold-Street, and sold by the author, no. 1 Rider-Street--by John Low, at the Shakespeare's Head, no. 332 Water-Street, the other booksellers, and the printers: New-York. 1799
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
22. An account of the New York hospital
Society of the New York Hospital
- Name: Society of the New York Hospital
- Published: Printed by Collins & Co: New York. 1811
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
23. An account of the State prison or penitentiary house, in the city of New-York
Eddy, Thomas, 1758-1827
- Name: Eddy, Thomas, 1758-1827
- Published: Printed by Isaac Collins and son: New-York. 1801
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
24. An Act for continuing several laws relating to the punishment of persons going armed or disguised in defiance of the laws of customs or excise; to the drawback of the duties upon copper bars exported; and to the duties upon foreign-made sail cloth; and also for encouragement of the silk manufactures; and for taking off several duties on merchandizes exported; and for encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies in America; and for vacating the security for the duty on salt lost in any river, or in port, after shipped; and for enlarging the time proving the loss of salt; and for relief of masters of ships with respect to the importation of soap and candles, contrary to an Act made in the twenty third year of His Majesty's reign; and also for the more efffectual payment of the bounties upon British-made sail cloth; and to impower the commissioners of the treasury to direct the payment of the bounty to John Henniker, and others, upon four ships fitted out for the whale fishery, and lost in the Greenland Seas; and also to Philip How, and others, upon two ships employed in the said fishery, notwithstanding some of the forms required by law in fitting out such ships, were not complied with
Great Britain
- Name: Great Britain
- Published: Printed by Thomas Baskett; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett: London. 1753]
- Format: books
- Online: click here for full-text
- Catalog Record: check availability
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