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1. 3 Good Reasons to Read MediaWatch
Media Research Center
- Name: Media Research Center (Creator) Payne, H. (Illustrator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XII: 1996 CPAC. Box no. 218, Folder no. Media Research Center
- Date: [between 1988 and 1999]

2. AIM Speakers Bureau
Accuracy in Media, inc.
- Name: Accuracy in Media, inc. (Creator) Allied Educational Foundation (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series I: Topical Files. Box no. 1, Folder no. Accuracy In Media, 1986-
- Date: [1990]

3. Building Balanced Children
Skousen, W. Cleon (Willard Cleon), 1913-2006
- Name: Skousen, W. Cleon (Willard Cleon), 1913-2006 (Narrator) Roberts, H. Armstrong (Photographer)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XV: Audio/Visual Material. Subseries XV.1: Phonograph Records. Box no. 508, Folder no. Skousen, W. Cleon Building Balanced Children, 1961
- Date: [1961]

4. Business End of Government
Smoot, Dan
- Name: Smoot, Dan (Author)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series IX: Publications. Box no. 89
- Date: 1973

5. Campaign advertisement for George Macatee
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series III: States. Box no. 423, Folder no. Texas, 1961-2
- Date: 1962

6. China Has Gun Control
Gun Owners of America
- Name: Gun Owners of America (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XIV: Bumper Stickers. Box no. 506, Folder no. China Has Gun Control (Gun Owners of America)
- Date: [1989]

7. Choose Ye Your Drink and Future
DuMont Distributors
- Name: DuMont Distributors (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series III: States. Box no. 417, Folder no. Michigan -- Newspaper clippings
- Date: [between 1964 and 1965]

8. Christian Crusade litter bag
Christian Crusade
- Name: Christian Crusade (Creator) Hargis, Billy James, 1925- (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XI: Manuscripts. Box no. 485, Folder no. Christian Crusade Calendars, 1964-1980
- Date: [between 1955 and 1996]

9. Church League of America presents Ronald Reagan on The Welfare State
Church League of America
- Name: Church League of America (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series II: Topical Files. Box no. 403, Folder no. Reagan, Ronald General
- Date: [between 1960 and 1969]

10. Citizens for Constitutional Rights Newsletter
Citizens for Constitutional Rights Committee
- Name: Citizens for Constitutional Rights Committee (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series III: States. Box no. 421, Folder no. Ohio
- Date: [1974]

11. Crime: Don't Let it Happen!
Citizens' Councils of America
- Name: Citizens' Councils of America (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series I: Topical Files. Box no. 76, Folder no. Citizens' Councils Their material
- Date: [June, 1972]

12. DEATH! to the Traitors
Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety
- Name: Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series I: Topical Files. Box no. 246, Folder no. National States Rights Party Miscellaneous distributed materials
- Date: [1970]

13. Disarmament and the Phoenix Papers
Hargis, Billy James, 1925-
- Name: Hargis, Billy James, 1925- (Author)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XV: Audio/Visual Material. Subseries XV.1: Phonograph Records. Box no. 507, Folder no. Billy James Hargis Disarmament and the Phoenix Papers, 12 Oct. 1966
- Date: [1966]

14. Do You Feel Torn. . . ?
Freedom Fellowship Church
- Name: Freedom Fellowship Church (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series III: States. Box no. 410, Folder no. Arizona
- Date: 1978

15. Dump Lindsay
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series II: Topical Files. Box no. 403, Folder no. Reagan, Ronald Material from Reagan Headquarters -- GOP National Convention, 1968
- Date: [1968]

16. Elect Dick Morgan Captain of Conservatives
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series III: States. Box no. 423, Folder no. Texas, 1961-2
- Date: [between 1961 and 1962]

17. Eschew Obfuscation
Ecclesine, Joe
- Name: Ecclesine, Joe (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XIV: Bumper Stickers. Box no. 506, Folder no. Eschew Obfuscation
- Date: 1966

18. Eye bumper sticker
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series XIV: Bumper Stickers. Box no. 506, Folder no. Eye
- Date: [between 1955 and 1996]

19. Famous Quotations: Theodore G. Bilbo
Citizens' Councils of America
- Name: Citizens' Councils of America (Creator)
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series I: Topical Files. Box no. 76, Folder no. Citizens' Councils Their material
- Date: [between 1955 and 1979]

20. Fight Communism
- Collection Name: Group Research, Inc. Records. Series II: Topical Files. Box no. 407, Folder no. Right Wing -- Miscellaneous
- Date: [between 1955 and 1996]